
If I put an Invader bridge in the neck position what will be my result, will it be horrible? I bought two Invaders and got both of them in the bridge! What are my options? Please help me.........................

Can you return one? If you cant' through the vendor, maybe you can through Duncan's 21-day return ploicy.

A bridge position Invader in the neck will sound like A$$ in top of A$$ with a bit of crap and mung mixed in.

there is a neck position Invader...just see if you can swap one of yours for a neck NOT put an Invader bridge in the neck!

Vou can try an invader bridge in the neck, you may like it and it won´t damage anything. If you don´t like it, you can still exchange it or trade it for something else in the classifieds

The tone will be VERY high output, excessively fat, not particularly clear, and very dark. IMO it could actually work well for sludge or doom metal, but I don´t think I´d want to keep the setup. But it would DEFINITEY briong down the house, would probably be THE heaviest tone ever

The Invader Bridge will also balance with another Invader Bridge at the bridge, but the one in the neck will be set VERY far away from the strings to keep a good output balance. Jackson for example uses 2 JBs in the RR5, these Pickups are also identical, and the neck one sits lower in relation to the strings when the outputs are balanced.

THere´s also the option of removing the black oxide caps on one, and replacing them with quot;normalquot; poles or hex poles, to tighten up and define the sound more, which could make that a perfect pickup for someone. And maybe even take out 2 of the magnets, combined with the screw poles will make a Distortion bridge which I know for a FACT sounds killer in the neck. Not perfect for me, but great tone.

As you can see, you´re far from being Boned at this point

Wow, thanks for all the info. Hopefully I will be able to return the PUP for a neck one. What else would sound good with the Invader bridge? I am trying to get a fat tone but clear at the same time..

I was under the impression that the large black oxide poles were *necessary* in keeping the sound tight on such an over-wound pickup??

Maybe I'm wrong but I would think that regular polepieces would lessen the tightness of the pickup.

I think I remember reading this somewhere in the FAQ.

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