
ok heres what i want. absolutely unfettered access to all 24 frets so im thinking a rhoads v style. this guitar will be strictly for metal so im thinking EMGs. a locking trem like a kahler or original floyd rose. neck thru with small neck joint to aid with high fret access. single volume and binding everywhere. some of the offerings from jackson come close but none are it. any ideas?

Well, to get all of those options you'd probably have to call up a custom shop. But some of the higher end ibanez RG's and Jackson soloists/dinkys would probably be good.

Do you want a shred or metal guitar? If it's shred (depending how you define it) I don't think you'll want or need EMGs. Anyway...Have you looked into the Ibanez RG series? Warmoth?

from : localhost/should guide you in getting a killer tone for shred, dont go down the EMG route if you want to sound individual

I agree with the other folks, Ibanez RG with a Floyd.

Originally Posted by bungalowbillI agree with the other folks, Ibanez RG with a Floyd.

Well, not to be an ass or anything, all to 2 RG's have floyds...
I'd say(not nowing your budget) you go for one of the higer end basswood bodied HSH routed RG's.

Originally Posted by Nite_Maresz_25Well, not to be an ass or anything, all to 2 RG's have floyds...
I'd say(not nowing your budget) you go for one of the higer end basswood bodied HSH routed RG's.

To be an ass, most of the higher end Prestige's have mohogany bodies.*EDIT* Alright, Ibanez changed it for this year. it was still funny, though.

EMG's are fine, stop dissing them.
Just because they didn't sound right in your guitar doesn't mean they wont sound fine in someone elses.

I would get an Ibanez S520Z myself, and throw a set of DiMarzio's in it. I don't like the duncan vocing for shred myself.

Originally Posted by itbepopplesok heres what i want. absolutely unfettered access to all 24 frets so im thinking a rhoads v style. this guitar will be strictly for metal so im thinking EMGs. a locking trem like a kahler or original floyd rose. neck thru with small neck joint to aid with high fret access. single volume and binding everywhere. some of the offerings from jackson come close but none are it. any ideas?

This fits your description perfectly

from : localhost/

Originally Posted by Rotten Guitar StringThis fits your description perfectly

Damn.. it does... I like that guitar... All except for the EMG's...

Rock On

To tell you the truth I'd take a late '80s strat in black with a maple fretboard and drop in a 85/81, 81/60, or 85/60A. Their playability is unparalleled. But if you insist on 24 frets.... then you're really cutting back your options.

Originally Posted by Slash2987To tell you the truth I'd take a late '80s strat in black with a maple fretboard and drop in a 85/81, 81/60, or 85/60A. Their playability is unparalleled. But if you insist on 24 frets.... then you're really cutting back your options.

You had me up until you said drop in EMG's... late 80's super strats, are definetly the best shred guitars IMO...

Rock On

Originally Posted by Slash2987To tell you the truth I'd take a late '80s strat in black with a maple fretboard and drop in a 85/81, 81/60, or 85/60A. Their playability is unparalleled. But if you insist on 24 frets.... then you're really cutting back your options.

im usually completely against 24 frets cuz the neck pickup sound is very important to me but recently ive been getting into actually playing dream theater and petruccis solos almost always go up there and im delving into other prog metal bands and i need a guitar thats fast and wont hold me back.

with regard to emgs... i feel the tone im going for requires the clarity with lots of gain that ive only found in emgs. im thinking of builiding this guitar but im not sure where or how to order a neck-thru neck with a comfy profile if i cant test the feel first. anyone?

Another nod to Ibanez here, though any super-strat you like would do(ESP, Jackson, etc.). I totally associate Dimarzio with shred tone...probably because of Vai, Satch, Petrucci, Gilbert, Yngwie, etc.


personally..i cant stand those RG guitars..the controlls are pretty poorly placed ( in my opinion )

Originally Posted by itbepopplesim usually completely against 24 frets cuz the neck pickup sound is very important to me but recently ive been getting into actually playing dream theater and petruccis solos almost always go up there and im delving into other prog metal bands and i need a guitar thats fast and wont hold me back.

with regard to emgs... i feel the tone im going for requires the clarity with lots of gain that ive only found in emgs. im thinking of builiding this guitar but im not sure where or how to order a neck-thru neck with a comfy profile if i cant test the feel first. anyone?
EMG's aren't the only good high-clarity pickups out there. Dimarzio breeds and EVOs are also quite good.

Originally Posted by KacYou had me up until you said drop in EMG's... late 80's super strats, are definetly the best shred guitars IMO...

Rock On

I was suggesting EMG's only because he wants them. If it was me it'd be a Super Distortion/Super 2 or a JB/Distortion (with aV mag)

My friend is pretty awesome at the guitar compared to me (easily plays van halen crap and yngwie and vai and petrucci) and says that my ESP LTD H-series 24-fret has better clarity and feel in the upper frets than his Ibanez RG does, so I'd believe him. Anyway I just thought I'd point out that he said he liked mine better than his quot;shredquot; guitar.

The Ultimate shred guitar wuld probably be a Jem with the All Access Neck Joint.

Find a Jem7DBK, it has Breeds and a Basswood body and one of the thinnest Jem necks.

Or find an older RG 550 or 570 and put some EVO's in it or a PAF Pro Neck bucker with a MegaDrive in the bridge. Great tones and the Wizard Neck is totally shredable. and the 5xx series can usually be had for 300 to 500 bucks... and they have the Edge Trem which can put an OFR to shame... I know, I have 2...

Originally Posted by pinto79find an older RG 550 or 570 and put some EVO's in it or a PAF Pro Neck bucker with a MegaDrive in the bridge. Great tones and the Wizard Neck is totally shredable. and the 5xx series can usually be had for 300 to 500 bucks... and they have the Edge Trem which can put an OFR to shame... I know, I have 2...

I have a fender based around the RG 550 produced in around 1990, which has a Floyd Rose quot;proquot;. Ive played many edge trems and they dont come close to this. It comes stock with a PAF Pro neck pickup and a super 3 bridge. It truly is IMO the ultimate shred axe.

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