
specifically the hot rod deville..

differences in sound, tubes etc..

anyone think one is better than the other??

i teched for rick derringer's drummer and saw he was using a bassman, an american deville and a jcm 900 hi dual reverb.

he said he preferred the american models.

I had a discusson about this exact same topic with the owner of my local guitar shop. He claims that there is a difference in tone, albiet very slight. The U.S. made stuff is more sought after, and generally gets a little more on the used market, but not a huge amount. He had 2 used Hot Rod Deluxes at the time, and the U.S. one was $50 more. It's a very hard thing to generalize, because any of the amps that were originally U.S. made, that are now made in Mexico, have time to break in, which is going to give you a better tone anyway. If you have a choice, or are not in a hurry, wait for the American made one, if not, you can never go wrong with the Mexican made amps. Fender has a very good reputation for their import stuff.

As long as they are using the same circuit boards, trannies, speakers and tubes, I'm guessing there is no difference at all. Except that instead some guy making 10 bucks an hour building, some guy is making 2.50 an hour making them.

Originally Posted by Scott_FAs long as they are using the same circuit boards, trannies, speakers and tubes, I'm guessing there is no difference at all. Except that instead some guy making 10 bucks an hour building, some guy is making 2.50 an hour making them.
Paul Harvey voice) and now you know.......the rest of the story!

Poor readers - Fender assembles the amp in Mexico, all soldering on the board is done my machines, the rest is just a solder and bolt and nut job.

All cabinets have been made in Mexico for at least ten years...


You government at work for you.... (There go the jobs)

so they use the same speakers and tubes heh..


Originally Posted by Scott_FAs long as they are using the same circuit boards, trannies, speakers and tubes, I'm guessing there is no difference at all. Except that instead some guy making 10 bucks an hour building, some guy is making 2.50 an hour making them.

They ONLY make 10 bucks an hour? Man that sucks. That's like what minimum wage should be right now so people could afford to get by.

Interesting thread, I kind of assumed that all fender tubes amps were american made.

I think he just said 10 and 2.5 for comparison....and Fender sctually treats their Mexican employies real well.

Originally Posted by Kamanda~SDI think he just said 10 and 2.5 for comparison....and Fender sctually treats their Mexican employies real well.

ah gotcha

Don't know about the difference between US/Mexi but I do know that the Hot Rod series cleans sound alot warmer then the reissue Twins and Deluxes. I've owned several tweed, blackface and silverface Fenders and if I wanted that tone, I'd get one of the Hot Rod Series amps before shelling out the money for a reissue.

I think the reissues blow. Love the Hot Rod cleans. I guess we're on the same page, saladin.

For the money of a reissue, I could build someone the real thing and still put enough money in my pocket to make it worth my time.

You can buy a Fender made in Mexico by Mexicans or you can buy a Fender made in California made by Mexicans. Your choice.

The concensus from the FDP with the Blues Jr. fanatics (and I do mean fanatics) is that the difference is negligible between the US and Mexico models.

If you can hear the difference then you're probably one of the .0005% that can.

Where the big difference should be is in your ears. If it sounds good to you then it is good.

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