If a 50w head and an 100w head are both running through a cabinet of the same size, what would be the differences?
100w, louder?
If you set both amps to get the same tone then the 100w would be louder. Obviously if you need the volume headroom, then 100 watt is best. I like the fact that you can drive the 50 watt harder. If it came down to having to choose, I would go for 50 watt every time.
if you run 2 heads of the same make and model, a 100 watt and a 50 watt both maxed out, and both with the same cab the difference will be 3db...no more no less. The 100 watter will have more headroom (volume before distortion) and better bass, but that is all.
Thanks for the help guys... which would be better, or more appropriate - if they both cost the same amount.
Can someone take the time to lay out the pros and cons please - in regard to practicality. (Besides the already mentioned better bass and headroom)
I take it those who are looking for distortion should go for the lower wattage? Then again, the 'how much wattage' thread has left me quite confused.
Thanks for all your help, Stevie Bees and TGWIF, its much appreciated
- Jan 12 Mon 2009 20:49
The Difference between 50w and 100w heads