
Well, I got all my Duncans in monday night and got them all installed within a few hours.

The Hot Rails in my strat is EXACTLY what I expected and wanted... couldnt be happier....

But the Hot rodded humbucker set has me kinda bummed out.... The sh-2 neck is a great sounding pickup but its WAY louder and seems to have as much if not MORE drive then the sh-4 in the bridge. And did I mention its also WAY louder then the sh-4?...

The sh-4 is a great pickup but it aint for me. I should have gotten the custom I guess.....

Does anyone here know if the 21 day exchange works on the sets? I like the sh-2 in the neck but the sh-4 just wont keep up with it.

Hm, that sounds very strange, because the Sh-4 itself is a moderate/ high output pickup, and the Jazz SH-2 is a low/moderate output pickup - an underwound '59.
If you installed both pickups right, their output should be balanced.
How close to the strings did you install them? To keep the output balanced, maybe you have to need to put one pickup closer to the strings and/or to lower the other pickup.
If you still didn't try this, you could or should give the SH-4 a second chance.
if you still don't like it, how about a DD SH-6?

Yeah, the JB should keep up fine with the Jazz. Do you have it wired in parrallel on accident? Try moving it closer to the strings, as well.

Songrider....I often find that in order to balance my pickups, the neck position has to be considerably lower than the bridge pickup....many times down even with the pickup ring. Try lowering it a bunch and then adjust up from there.

Also, the JB will sound it's best closer to the strings....sometimes almost with the pole pieces touching the strings. I would start with the bridge pole pieces about 3/64quot; below the strings, and then lower in small increments until you find a sweet spot.

It may be that the JB is just not for you....many don't like it. You can exchange just the worries. Where did you buy it from? Also, what kind of a guitar is this, and what tonally don't you like about the JB?

Thanks for all the advice everyone.... I did lower the front pickup and raise the back and it helped the balance ALOT!!! I didnt know you could put the pickup so close to the strings. I had always been taught in the past that was a no no.

As for what I dont like.... The BIG thing was the balance issue.... other than that a bit more lows and just a shave off the high mids in the sh-4 would absolutely NAIL it!!!

Its a great pickup... (actually ALL the Duncans I own are) and I think I may try and live with it for a few days and see if I get used to it now the balance is more even. I am new to upgrading my pickups so this is all a journey for me. (normally I live with whatever comes in the guitar). I do know for a FACT that the Duncans are the way I want to go however... I have owned pretty much all the other major brands at one time or another over the last 20 years and no other pickup line has consistantly blown me away like s.

I bought them at Musicians Friend Jeff_H and I have them in my 82 Les Paul Standard. The pots in it are stock.

Thanks again everyone for all your help.....

Songrider....glad the balance issue is better. Keep playing with the heights until you find what you like best...there is no right or wrong height. As for wanting better lows and less high mids, once you find your pickups optimum height, start raising the individual pole pieces (the flat head screws in the pickups) on the low E and A...see if that helps. You can also lower some of the pole pieces more towards the G and B strings.

If the pup still doesn't sound like you want it to, we can suggest alternatives. Also, if your pots and electronics are stock, an upgrage to one of the RS premium kits will greatly help. They have a true vintage kit, a high gain kit and a treble tamer kit. One of them might just do the trick for you.


Here's the link. Click on electronics upgrade kits. from : localhost/

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