How can I calculate age on an excel 2000 worksheet?

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col1 col2

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This isprobably simple but I'm getting tired and and confused.

software 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

How do I compare the entry in one cell against all other cells in the same
column, except the cell the entry is in, and make it display the entry in a

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How can I save or export an Excel 2002 workbook as a pdf?

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Is it possible to calculate a figure for two standard deviations for a
series of numbers? I have the output for 1 SD, but need 2 SDs.Michael -

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I have searched here and in the help file with no luck.

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I'm trying to do a copy and paste (special - values only) between 2
workbooks. I select the cells in one and click the copy button (also have

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I need to create a Worksheet Header which incorporates numeric and textual
data contained in worksheet cells. Although this is a relatively straight

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i want hours amp; minutes in addition form in another two columns in excel

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