This isprobably simple but I'm getting tired and and confused.
My spreadsheet lists possible cell reference combinations.
firstly a list is calculated in another spreadsheet to show all possible permutations (ie a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 in 5 seperate cells) it returns a1,a2,a3,a4,a5 in one cell with another 720 permutations below this is copied into my spreadsheet as a base for calculation.
This I then split back to individual cells with =mid(b3,1,2) etc so I now have all my permutations in seperate cells.
I then want to input my actual data into cell a1 a3 a4 a5 and multiply it buy say g2.
How do I adapt =g2*cell(quot;contentsquot;,b3) so that it works? I seem unable to be able to make the cell contents quot;a1quot; refer to cell a1
am going to do something else now for a while, if anyone has the answer I will be eternally grateful
Try :
quot;nobbyknownowtquot; gt; a écrit dans le
message de ...
gt; Hmmm
gt; This isprobably simple but I'm getting tired and and confused.
gt; My spreadsheet lists possible cell reference combinations.
gt; firstly a list is calculated in another spreadsheet to show all
gt; possible permutations (ie a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 in 5 seperate cells) it
gt; returns a1,a2,a3,a4,a5 in one cell with another 720 permutations below
gt; this is copied into my spreadsheet as a base for calculation.
gt; This I then split back to individual cells with =mid(b3,1,2) etc so I
gt; now have all my permutations in seperate cells.
gt; I then want to input my actual data into cell a1 a3 a4 a5 and multiply
gt; it buy say g2.
gt; How do I adapt =g2*cell(quot;contentsquot;,b3) so that it works? I seem unable
gt; to be able to make the cell contents quot;a1quot; refer to cell a1
gt; am going to do something else now for a while, if anyone has the answer
gt; I will be eternally grateful
gt; cheers
gt; nobby
gt; --
gt; nobbyknownowt
Try using indirect, i.e.
daddylonglegs's Profile:;userid=30486
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Type =INDIRECT(A1) into any cell - where cell A1 contains the cell
reference as text - so if you type E1 into cell A1, then the result of
your formula will be the contents of cell E1.
michael.a7's Profile:;userid=33027
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Thank you all
- Aug 07 Thu 2008 20:46
Make cell contents a reference