I am trying to count unique entries across a set of colums. For example,
3 4
2 4
4 7
2 1
1 0
I want the result to be 5 as the number of unique entries. The entries are
not in consecutives column.
ThanksYou want the count of unique items for each column?
confirmed with Control Shift Enter.
Copy across to other columns.
quot;SouthCarolinaquot; wrote:
gt; I am trying to count unique entries across a set of colums. For example,
gt; A C
gt; 3 4
gt; 2 4
gt; 4 7
gt; 2 1
gt; 1 0
gt; I want the result to be 5 as the number of unique entries. The entries are
gt; not in consecutives column.
gt; Thanks
Upon rereading, I am thinking you want the number of unique entries in all
columns combined. You could try a UDF. Paste into an excel module and call
it like
=Unique(A1:A5, C1:C5)
Function Unique(ParamArray Rng() As Variant)
Dim i As Long
Dim t As Long
Dim x As Range
Dim Temp As Collection
On Error Resume Next
Set Temp = New Collection
For i = 0 To UBound(Rng())
For t = 1 To Rng(i).Areas.Count
For Each x In Rng(i).Areas(t).Cells
Temp.Add Trim(x.Value), CStr(Trim(x.Value))
Next x
Next t
Next i
Unique = Temp.Count
End Functionquot;SouthCarolinaquot; wrote:
gt; I am trying to count unique entries across a set of colums. For example,
gt; A C
gt; 3 4
gt; 2 4
gt; 4 7
gt; 2 1
gt; 1 0
gt; I want the result to be 5 as the number of unique entries. The entries are
gt; not in consecutives column.
gt; Thanks
JMB wrote...
gt;Upon rereading, I am thinking you want the number of unique entries in all
gt;columns combined. You could try a UDF. Paste into an excel module and call
gt;it like
gt;quot;SouthCarolinaquot; wrote:
gt;gt;I am trying to count unique entries across a set of colums. For example,
gt;gt;A C
gt;gt;3 4
gt;gt;2 4
gt;gt;4 7
gt;gt;2 1
gt;gt;1 0
gt;gt;I want the result to be 5 as the number of unique entries. The entries are
gt;gt;not in consecutives column.
Why 5? Col A contains 4 distinct numbers: 3, 2, 4 and 1. Col C contains
two mo 7 and 0. Should the zero not be included? If it should be
included, there are 6 distinct values.
This is just conditional counting, so there's no need for udfs.
=COUNT(1/FREQUENCY((A1:A5,C1:C5),(A1:A5,C1:C5)))gt; This is just conditional counting, so there's no need for udfs.
Only if I was a bit smarter lt;ggt;
quot;Harlan Grovequot; wrote:
gt; JMB wrote...
gt; gt;Upon rereading, I am thinking you want the number of unique entries in all
gt; gt;columns combined. You could try a UDF. Paste into an excel module and call
gt; gt;it like
gt; ....
gt; gt;quot;SouthCarolinaquot; wrote:
gt; gt;gt;I am trying to count unique entries across a set of colums. For example,
gt; gt;gt;A C
gt; gt;gt;3 4
gt; gt;gt;2 4
gt; gt;gt;4 7
gt; gt;gt;2 1
gt; gt;gt;1 0
gt; gt;gt;
gt; gt;gt;I want the result to be 5 as the number of unique entries. The entries are
gt; gt;gt;not in consecutives column.
gt; Why 5? Col A contains 4 distinct numbers: 3, 2, 4 and 1. Col C contains
gt; two mo 7 and 0. Should the zero not be included? If it should be
gt; included, there are 6 distinct values.
gt; This is just conditional counting, so there's no need for udfs.
gt; =COUNT(1/FREQUENCY((A1:A5,C1:C5),(A1:A5,C1:C5)))
- Aug 07 Thu 2008 20:45
Count Unique Entries