I want to connect two sets of XY points (in four columns) with line segments,
and show the entire set on one 2D plot. XY scatterplot is frustrating because
it is almost there, but not. You can create a grid of points but not connect
the dots. You can't paste data into the plot either -- it assumes you want to
use the same X as the first set of points. Aaaaaaarg.
Can you be more specific as to what you need? I've never had any
trouble plotting an XY plot and having the data points connected by
straight lines. Normally either select the quot;connected by linesquot; option
when the chart is created, or select the data series Format-gt;selected
series-gt;patterns tab-gt;select the desired line style to connect the
I almost never use the paste command to add a data series to an
XYchart. I will either use the paste special command (which allows me
to specify that I'm using new or different X data) or use the
Chart-gt;Source data-gt;Series tab to add a data series.
If that doesn't help, then post again with more details about the
problem you are having.--
MrShorty's Profile: www.excelforum.com/member.php...oamp;userid=22181
View this thread: www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=493208Here is some sample data (csv):
I want to show line segments only between A-X1-Y1 and A-X2-Y2; B-X1-Y1 and
B-X2-Y2 etc, NOT between A-X2-Y2 and B-X1-Y1 or B-X2-Y2 and C-X1-Y1 etc. It
would be cool if the A, B, C, D labels could be visible on the graph, and
even better if I could then paste like data onto the chart, even using paste
special and have it conform, but I've tried many times without success. It
always messes up the new source data with wrong assumptions. Try it.
lostinamazeoftwistyturnypassagesallthesamequot;MrShortyquot; wrote:
gt; Can you be more specific as to what you need? I've never had any
gt; trouble plotting an XY plot and having the data points connected by
gt; straight lines. Normally either select the quot;connected by linesquot; option
gt; when the chart is created, or select the data series Format-gt;selected
gt; series-gt;patterns tab-gt;select the desired line style to connect the
gt; points.
gt; I almost never use the paste command to add a data series to an
gt; XYchart. I will either use the paste special command (which allows me
gt; to specify that I'm using new or different X data) or use the
gt; Chart-gt;Source data-gt;Series tab to add a data series.
gt; If that doesn't help, then post again with more details about the
gt; problem you are having.
gt; --
gt; MrShorty
gt; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
gt; MrShorty's Profile: www.excelforum.com/member.php...oamp;userid=22181
gt; View this thread: www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=493208
Others may have better ideas, but it seems to me your data aren't laid
out in a format conducive to what you want. I was able (using the
quot;source dataquot; dialog I mentioned above) to get a plot that looks like
what you describe. I had to select each individual point separated by
commas within a given series. The final series definition looked like
=SERIES(Sheet1!R5C1,(Sheet1!R5C2,Sheet1!R5C4),(She et1!R5C3,Sheet1!R5C5),4).
That, of course, isn't conducive to readily adding points to a
series, or adding series to the chart. Can be done, but not readily.
If you lay your data out differently, it would be easier. Try a lay
out where the X data are in a column and the corresponding Y data are
in the adjacent column. Something like:
name A A B B C C D D (names doubled to emphasize column relationship)
axis X Y X Y X Y X Y
pt1 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 3
pt2 2 0 2 1 2 2 2 3
Then it's easy to add data points (simply add rows) and data series
(simply add pairs of columns going across and paste special) to your
MrShorty's Profile: www.excelforum.com/member.php...oamp;userid=22181
View this thread: www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=493208Hi,
Rearrange the data as,
name, X, Y
A, 0, 0
2, 0
B, 0, 1
2, 1
C, 0, 2
2, 2
D, 0, 3
3, 3
and plot Y vs X for each group as a separate series on an XY-plot. Format
each data-series to connect the two points in it.
Rearrange the data as above. Create ONE plot with the entire data series.
Rightclick on any data-point --gt; quot;Format Data Seriesquot; --gt; click on
quot;X-ErrorBarsquot; Tab --gt; under quot;Displayquot; check quot;Minusquot;, check quot;Percentagequot; and
enter quot;100quot; --gt; quot;OKquot;
Rearrange the data as above, but insert a third X,Y pair (which would be
idential to the first X,Y-pair) in each group.
name, X, Y
A, 0, 0
2, 0
0, 0
B, 0, 1
2, 1
0, 1
C, 0, 2
2, 2
0, 2
D, 0, 3
3, 3
0, 3
Create ONE X,Y-scatter plot for the entire data, and format the series to
connect the data-points. The cross connections such as A-X3-Y3 and B-X1-Y1,
B-X3-y3 and C-X1-Y1, ... will coincide with the Y axis (and hence wouldn't be
a distraction, of course, this would work only if the X-value of the first
point in each group is zero!).
I am sorry for not being able to suggest a more elegant solution.
B. R. Ramachandran
quot;spazminatorquot; wrote:
gt; Here is some sample data (csv):
gt; name,X1,Y1,X2,Y2
gt; A,0,0,2,0
gt; B,0,1,2,1
gt; C,0,2,2,2
gt; D,0,3,2,3
gt; I want to show line segments only between A-X1-Y1 and A-X2-Y2; B-X1-Y1 and
gt; B-X2-Y2 etc, NOT between A-X2-Y2 and B-X1-Y1 or B-X2-Y2 and C-X1-Y1 etc. It
gt; would be cool if the A, B, C, D labels could be visible on the graph, and
gt; even better if I could then paste like data onto the chart, even using paste
gt; special and have it conform, but I've tried many times without success. It
gt; always messes up the new source data with wrong assumptions. Try it.
gt; --
gt; lostinamazeoftwistyturnypassagesallthesame
gt; quot;MrShortyquot; wrote:
gt; gt;
gt; gt; Can you be more specific as to what you need? I've never had any
gt; gt; trouble plotting an XY plot and having the data points connected by
gt; gt; straight lines. Normally either select the quot;connected by linesquot; option
gt; gt; when the chart is created, or select the data series Format-gt;selected
gt; gt; series-gt;patterns tab-gt;select the desired line style to connect the
gt; gt; points.
gt; gt;
gt; gt; I almost never use the paste command to add a data series to an
gt; gt; XYchart. I will either use the paste special command (which allows me
gt; gt; to specify that I'm using new or different X data) or use the
gt; gt; Chart-gt;Source data-gt;Series tab to add a data series.
gt; gt;
gt; gt; If that doesn't help, then post again with more details about the
gt; gt; problem you are having.
gt; gt;
gt; gt;
gt; gt; --
gt; gt; MrShorty
gt; gt; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
gt; gt; MrShorty's Profile: www.excelforum.com/member.php...oamp;userid=22181
gt; gt; View this thread: www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=493208
gt; gt;
gt; gt;
Exactly... can be done but not readily... reformat your data...
I think MS with just a little thought could add a new chart type that would
be a lot more conducive to quot;pen plottingquot;. Like allowing a pen-up/pen-down
column or something. Also it seems to me that the default of assuming the X
column in an XY scatter plot is going to be the same for each new series --
is just busted.
I hate that charting in general is so geared for accounting and
presentations and so limited for engineering or science uses.
Why isn't there a 3D XYZ scatterplot chart type for instance?
Why does one have to buy/load/install extensions for mathematical analysis?
I will try your point-per-line idea though. It looks like the best solution
so far. It's just that there are a lot of points and I need them in the
current format for other reasons on the sheet. Looks like I'll be adding a
new worksheet for the chart.
Thanks for trying.
lostinamazeoftwistyturnypassagesallthesamequot;MrShortyquot; wrote:
gt; Others may have better ideas, but it seems to me your data aren't laid
gt; out in a format conducive to what you want. I was able (using the
gt; quot;source dataquot; dialog I mentioned above) to get a plot that looks like
gt; what you describe. I had to select each individual point separated by
gt; commas within a given series. The final series definition looked like
gt; =SERIES(Sheet1!R5C1,(Sheet1!R5C2,Sheet1!R5C4),(She et1!R5C3,Sheet1!R5C5),4).
gt; That, of course, isn't conducive to readily adding points to a
gt; series, or adding series to the chart. Can be done, but not readily.
gt; If you lay your data out differently, it would be easier. Try a lay
gt; out where the X data are in a column and the corresponding Y data are
gt; in the adjacent column. Something like:
gt; name A A B B C C D D (names doubled to emphasize column relationship)
gt; axis X Y X Y X Y X Y
gt; pt1 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 3
gt; pt2 2 0 2 1 2 2 2 3
gt; Then it's easy to add data points (simply add rows) and data series
gt; (simply add pairs of columns going across and paste special) to your
gt; chart.
gt; --
gt; MrShorty
gt; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
gt; MrShorty's Profile: www.excelforum.com/member.php...oamp;userid=22181
gt; View this thread: www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=493208
Hmmmm. The Error-Bars thing might have promise -- but I didn't think it was
available in XY plots. I'll try.
No, the real data doesn't start every line on the Y axis. Just my contrived
Thanks for looking.
lostinamazeoftwistyturnypassagesallthesamequot;B. R.Ramachandranquot; wrote:
gt; Hi,
gt; Rearrange the data as,
gt; name, X, Y
gt; A, 0, 0
gt; 2, 0
gt; B, 0, 1
gt; 2, 1
gt; C, 0, 2
gt; 2, 2
gt; D, 0, 3
gt; 3, 3
gt; and plot Y vs X for each group as a separate series on an XY-plot. Format
gt; each data-series to connect the two points in it.
gt; OR
gt; Rearrange the data as above. Create ONE plot with the entire data series.
gt; Rightclick on any data-point --gt; quot;Format Data Seriesquot; --gt; click on
gt; quot;X-ErrorBarsquot; Tab --gt; under quot;Displayquot; check quot;Minusquot;, check quot;Percentagequot; and
gt; enter quot;100quot; --gt; quot;OKquot;
gt; OR
gt; Rearrange the data as above, but insert a third X,Y pair (which would be
gt; idential to the first X,Y-pair) in each group.
gt; name, X, Y
gt; A, 0, 0
gt; 2, 0
gt; 0, 0
gt; B, 0, 1
gt; 2, 1
gt; 0, 1
gt; C, 0, 2
gt; 2, 2
gt; 0, 2
gt; D, 0, 3
gt; 3, 3
gt; 0, 3
gt; Create ONE X,Y-scatter plot for the entire data, and format the series to
gt; connect the data-points. The cross connections such as A-X3-Y3 and B-X1-Y1,
gt; B-X3-y3 and C-X1-Y1, ... will coincide with the Y axis (and hence wouldn't be
gt; a distraction, of course, this would work only if the X-value of the first
gt; point in each group is zero!).
gt; I am sorry for not being able to suggest a more elegant solution.
gt; Regards,
gt; B. R. Ramachandran
gt; quot;spazminatorquot; wrote:
gt; gt; Here is some sample data (csv):
gt; gt;
gt; gt; name,X1,Y1,X2,Y2
gt; gt; A,0,0,2,0
gt; gt; B,0,1,2,1
gt; gt; C,0,2,2,2
gt; gt; D,0,3,2,3
gt; gt;
gt; gt; I want to show line segments only between A-X1-Y1 and A-X2-Y2; B-X1-Y1 and
gt; gt; B-X2-Y2 etc, NOT between A-X2-Y2 and B-X1-Y1 or B-X2-Y2 and C-X1-Y1 etc. It
gt; gt; would be cool if the A, B, C, D labels could be visible on the graph, and
gt; gt; even better if I could then paste like data onto the chart, even using paste
gt; gt; special and have it conform, but I've tried many times without success. It
gt; gt; always messes up the new source data with wrong assumptions. Try it.
gt; gt;
gt; gt; --
gt; gt; lostinamazeoftwistyturnypassagesallthesame
gt; gt;
gt; gt;
gt; gt; quot;MrShortyquot; wrote:
gt; gt;
gt; gt; gt;
gt; gt; gt; Can you be more specific as to what you need? I've never had any
gt; gt; gt; trouble plotting an XY plot and having the data points connected by
gt; gt; gt; straight lines. Normally either select the quot;connected by linesquot; option
gt; gt; gt; when the chart is created, or select the data series Format-gt;selected
gt; gt; gt; series-gt;patterns tab-gt;select the desired line style to connect the
gt; gt; gt; points.
gt; gt; gt;
gt; gt; gt; I almost never use the paste command to add a data series to an
gt; gt; gt; XYchart. I will either use the paste special command (which allows me
gt; gt; gt; to specify that I'm using new or different X data) or use the
gt; gt; gt; Chart-gt;Source data-gt;Series tab to add a data series.
gt; gt; gt;
gt; gt; gt; If that doesn't help, then post again with more details about the
gt; gt; gt; problem you are having.
gt; gt; gt;
gt; gt; gt;
gt; gt; gt; --
gt; gt; gt; MrShorty
gt; gt; gt; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
gt; gt; gt; MrShorty's Profile: www.excelforum.com/member.php...oamp;userid=22181
gt; gt; gt; View this thread: www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=493208
gt; gt; gt;
gt; gt; gt;
The Error-Bars approach (Method 2 in my previous reply) would work only if
the lines are horizontal (zero slope). If it is not the case, you have to
plot each group (two points) as a separate series (Method 1)
If the lines are horizontal, but the lines don't start on the Y-axis, you
have to use a slight modification to Method 2. To avoid confusion, I have
named the groups as P, Q, R, and S. Supposing tthe Group Names are in Column
A, X-values in Column B, and Y- values in Column D, starting at Row 2.
A, B, C
P, 0.5, 0.5
2.5, 0.5
Q, 0.7, 1.2
2.1, 1.2
R, 0.3, 2.1
2.4, 2.1
S, 0.4, 3.0
2.7, 3.0
Create a new column, D, which would contain the X-Error values as follows:
In D2 enter 0, and in D3 enter =B3-B2, and ENTER.
Now select BOTH the cells, D2 and D3, and auto-fill the formulas down Column
D. For the sample data shown above, the outcome would be
A, B, C, D
P, 0.5, 0.5, 0.0
2.5, 0.5, 2.0
Q, 0.7, 1.2, 0.0
2.1, 1.2, 1.4
R, 0.3, 2.1, 0.0
2.4, 2.1, 2.1
S, 0.4, 3.0, 0.0
2.7, 3.0, 2.6
Now create an XY-Scatter Plot with Y vs X, i.e., Column C vs Col B
Right-click on any data-point --gt; quot;Format Data Seriesquot; --gt; click on
quot;X-ErrorBarsquot; Tab --gt; under quot;Displayquot; check quot;Minusquot;, check quot;Customquot;, leave
quot; quot; area blank, and for quot;-quot; area, enter the range of Column D (D29 for the
sample data) --gt; quot;OKquot;
This would connect each pair of data-points.
B. R. Ramachandran
gt; enter quot;100quot; --gt; quot;OKquot;
quot;spazminatorquot; wrote:
gt; Hmmmm. The Error-Bars thing might have promise -- but I didn't think it was
gt; available in XY plots. I'll try.
gt; No, the real data doesn't start every line on the Y axis. Just my contrived
gt; data.
gt; Thanks for looking.
gt; --
gt; lostinamazeoftwistyturnypassagesallthesame
gt; quot;B. R.Ramachandranquot; wrote:
gt; gt; Hi,
gt; gt;
gt; gt; Rearrange the data as,
gt; gt;
gt; gt; name, X, Y
gt; gt; A, 0, 0
gt; gt; 2, 0
gt; gt; B, 0, 1
gt; gt; 2, 1
gt; gt; C, 0, 2
gt; gt; 2, 2
gt; gt; D, 0, 3
gt; gt; 3, 3
gt; gt;
gt; gt; and plot Y vs X for each group as a separate series on an XY-plot. Format
gt; gt; each data-series to connect the two points in it.
gt; gt;
gt; gt; OR
gt; gt;
gt; gt; Rearrange the data as above. Create ONE plot with the entire data series.
gt; gt; Rightclick on any data-point --gt; quot;Format Data Seriesquot; --gt; click on
gt; gt; quot;X-ErrorBarsquot; Tab --gt; under quot;Displayquot; check quot;Minusquot;, check quot;Percentagequot; and
gt; gt; enter quot;100quot; --gt; quot;OKquot;
gt; gt;
gt; gt; OR
gt; gt;
gt; gt; Rearrange the data as above, but insert a third X,Y pair (which would be
gt; gt; idential to the first X,Y-pair) in each group.
gt; gt;
gt; gt; name, X, Y
gt; gt; A, 0, 0
gt; gt; 2, 0
gt; gt; 0, 0
gt; gt; B, 0, 1
gt; gt; 2, 1
gt; gt; 0, 1
gt; gt; C, 0, 2
gt; gt; 2, 2
gt; gt; 0, 2
gt; gt; D, 0, 3
gt; gt; 3, 3
gt; gt; 0, 3
gt; gt;
gt; gt; Create ONE X,Y-scatter plot for the entire data, and format the series to
gt; gt; connect the data-points. The cross connections such as A-X3-Y3 and B-X1-Y1,
gt; gt; B-X3-y3 and C-X1-Y1, ... will coincide with the Y axis (and hence wouldn't be
gt; gt; a distraction, of course, this would work only if the X-value of the first
gt; gt; point in each group is zero!).
gt; gt;
gt; gt; I am sorry for not being able to suggest a more elegant solution.
gt; gt;
gt; gt; Regards,
gt; gt; B. R. Ramachandran
gt; gt;
gt; gt;
gt; gt;
gt; gt;
gt; gt; quot;spazminatorquot; wrote:
gt; gt;
gt; gt; gt; Here is some sample data (csv):
gt; gt; gt;
gt; gt; gt; name,X1,Y1,X2,Y2
gt; gt; gt; A,0,0,2,0
gt; gt; gt; B,0,1,2,1
gt; gt; gt; C,0,2,2,2
gt; gt; gt; D,0,3,2,3
gt; gt; gt;
gt; gt; gt; I want to show line segments only between A-X1-Y1 and A-X2-Y2; B-X1-Y1 and
gt; gt; gt; B-X2-Y2 etc, NOT between A-X2-Y2 and B-X1-Y1 or B-X2-Y2 and C-X1-Y1 etc. It
gt; gt; gt; would be cool if the A, B, C, D labels could be visible on the graph, and
gt; gt; gt; even better if I could then paste like data onto the chart, even using paste
gt; gt; gt; special and have it conform, but I've tried many times without success. It
gt; gt; gt; always messes up the new source data with wrong assumptions. Try it.
gt; gt; gt;
gt; gt; gt; --
gt; gt; gt; lostinamazeoftwistyturnypassagesallthesame
gt; gt; gt;
gt; gt; gt;
gt; gt; gt; quot;MrShortyquot; wrote:
gt; gt; gt;
gt; gt; gt; gt;
gt; gt; gt; gt; Can you be more specific as to what you need? I've never had any
gt; gt; gt; gt; trouble plotting an XY plot and having the data points connected by
gt; gt; gt; gt; straight lines. Normally either select the quot;connected by linesquot; option
gt; gt; gt; gt; when the chart is created, or select the data series Format-gt;selected
gt; gt; gt; gt; series-gt;patterns tab-gt;select the desired line style to connect the
gt; gt; gt; gt; points.
gt; gt; gt; gt;
gt; gt; gt; gt; I almost never use the paste command to add a data series to an
gt; gt; gt; gt; XYchart. I will either use the paste special command (which allows me
gt; gt; gt; gt; to specify that I'm using new or different X data) or use the
gt; gt; gt; gt; Chart-gt;Source data-gt;Series tab to add a data series.
gt; gt; gt; gt;
gt; gt; gt; gt; If that doesn't help, then post again with more details about the
gt; gt; gt; gt; problem you are having.
gt; gt; gt; gt;
gt; gt; gt; gt;
gt; gt; gt; gt; --
gt; gt; gt; gt; MrShorty
gt; gt; gt; gt; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
gt; gt; gt; gt; MrShorty's Profile: www.excelforum.com/member.php...oamp;userid=22181
gt; gt; gt; gt; View this thread: www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=493208
gt; gt; gt; gt;
gt; gt; gt; gt;
All this because I was so silly as to create a dataset from scratch which
seemed simple, but unfortunately not representative. The lines I want are
neither horizontal nor vertical nor lined up neatly in any way whatsoever. So
error bars won't do.
Nor did Mr. Shorty's solution produce an elegant result. The global picture
here is that XY-Scatter plots are sickeningly single purpose, with no thought
for general use. Who will and create a better solution? Apparently not MS.
I'm back to drawing plots with gp programming languages.
lostinamazeoftwistyturnypassagesallthesamequot;B. R.Ramachandranquot; wrote:
gt; Hi,
gt; The Error-Bars approach (Method 2 in my previous reply) would work only if
gt; the lines are horizontal (zero slope). If it is not the case, you have to
gt; plot each group (two points) as a separate series (Method 1)
gt; If the lines are horizontal, but the lines don't start on the Y-axis,...
This is a good example of how an appropriate data layout makes impossible
things easy. You say you need the data in this particular layout for another
reason. Well, it's common that data may need different layouts within the
same workbook. One layout is suitable for on-screen viewing, another is
better for printed reports, a third is good for the data source for a pivot
table, and a fourth might be needed as source data for your chart. Maybe you
need five or six if there are alternative ways you want to display a table
or chart.
Back in the days of multiplan or visicalc, you couldn't afford to quot;wastequot;
extra rows and columns on alternative depictions of the same data, but now
we have gigabytes of disk space, and at least hundreds of megabytes of ram.
Go for it, add a worksheet, or set aside another range on the same
worksheet. Copy the data, use Paste Special - Links to paste a linked copy,
then drag these cells around into the proper orientation.
Now you can have your pretty table and pretty chart, and since their data
are linked, when the table changes, so will the chart.
- Jon
Jon Peltier, Microsoft Excel MVP
Peltier Technical Services
Tutorials and Custom Solutions
_______quot;spazminatorquot; gt; wrote in message
gt; Exactly... can be done but not readily... reformat your data...
gt; I think MS with just a little thought could add a new chart type that
gt; would
gt; be a lot more conducive to quot;pen plottingquot;. Like allowing a pen-up/pen-down
gt; column or something. Also it seems to me that the default of assuming the
gt; X
gt; column in an XY scatter plot is going to be the same for each new
gt; series --
gt; is just busted.
gt; I hate that charting in general is so geared for accounting and
gt; presentations and so limited for engineering or science uses.
gt; Why isn't there a 3D XYZ scatterplot chart type for instance?
gt; Why does one have to buy/load/install extensions for mathematical
gt; analysis?
gt; I will try your point-per-line idea though. It looks like the best
gt; solution
gt; so far. It's just that there are a lot of points and I need them in the
gt; current format for other reasons on the sheet. Looks like I'll be adding a
gt; new worksheet for the chart.
gt; Thanks for trying.
gt; --
gt; lostinamazeoftwistyturnypassagesallthesame
gt; quot;MrShortyquot; wrote:
gt;gt; Others may have better ideas, but it seems to me your data aren't laid
gt;gt; out in a format conducive to what you want. I was able (using the
gt;gt; quot;source dataquot; dialog I mentioned above) to get a plot that looks like
gt;gt; what you describe. I had to select each individual point separated by
gt;gt; commas within a given series. The final series definition looked like
gt;gt; =SERIES(Sheet1!R5C1,(Sheet1!R5C2,Sheet1!R5C4),(She et1!R5C3,Sheet1!R5C5),4).
gt;gt; That, of course, isn't conducive to readily adding points to a
gt;gt; series, or adding series to the chart. Can be done, but not readily.
gt;gt; If you lay your data out differently, it would be easier. Try a lay
gt;gt; out where the X data are in a column and the corresponding Y data are
gt;gt; in the adjacent column. Something like:
gt;gt; name A A B B C C D D (names doubled to emphasize column relationship)
gt;gt; axis X Y X Y X Y X Y
gt;gt; pt1 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 3
gt;gt; pt2 2 0 2 1 2 2 2 3
gt;gt; Then it's easy to add data points (simply add rows) and data series
gt;gt; (simply add pairs of columns going across and paste special) to your
gt;gt; chart.
gt;gt; --
gt;gt; MrShorty
gt;gt; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
gt;gt; MrShorty's Profile:
gt;gt; www.excelforum.com/member.php...oamp;userid=22181
gt;gt; View this thread:
gt;gt; www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=493208
- Aug 07 Thu 2008 20:45
I need more general XY point to point plotting than XY scatter in