I need to create a Worksheet Header which incorporates numeric and textual
data contained in worksheet cells. Although this is a relatively straight
forward procedure in Lotus 123, I am unable to find a method in Excel (Office
Any suggestions would be welcome.
John Bennett
What you're looking for can be done through VBA, but nothing else.
You can create a procedure that sets the header of the active sheet (or all
of them) based on just about anything you like. Here is a sample of
something I recently did which sets the footer to include specific
information from the workbook.
Worksheets(quot;Quotequot;).PageSetup.LeftFooter = _
quot;amp;quot;quot;Trebuchet MS,Bold Italicquot;quot;amp;12Fax Back to: quot; amp; Range(quot;SettingsFaxquot;) amp;
quot;. Attn: quot; amp; Range(quot;SalesPersonquot;) amp; quot;.quot;
So the worksheet quot;Quotequot; gets its Left Footer set to something that looks
Fax Back to: 123-456-7890. Attn: John Doe.
The Range(quot;SettingsFaxquot;) simply refers to a named range somewhere on the
worksheet. This is usually better than referring to just C12, since cells
move around.
I hope that helps.
-David Dquot;John Bennettquot; wrote:
gt; I need to create a Worksheet Header which incorporates numeric and textual
gt; data contained in worksheet cells. Although this is a relatively straight
gt; forward procedure in Lotus 123, I am unable to find a method in Excel (Office
gt; 2003).
gt; Any suggestions would be welcome.
gt; Regards,
gt; John Bennett
- Aug 07 Thu 2008 20:46
How to incorporate cell data in a worksheet header