I need to do similar to the INDIRECT() function, to closed workbooks.
Obviously indirect doesn't work for this. The trouble being that the user of
the worksheet will always want to change the settings of the sheet, looking
at diffierent names, values etc. It is not practical to have all this
information stored on 1 sheet, so it is saved in different sheets, and a
number of workbooks.
Doing a search I found a similar problem from someone back in Feb and
followed the answer, I downloaded PULL() and put it in the VBA for the
=pull(quot;'S:\Close Assistance\quot;amp;Main Filesamp;quot;\quot;amp;Field Managersamp;quot;\[quot;amp;Field
Managers.xlsamp;quot;]quot;amp;YYCompamp;quot;'!quot;amp;C65517) (C65517 contains quot;E25quot;) returns #NAME?
Tried without all the quot;amp; stuff in the middle but to no avail.
Can anyone assist me with this matter? Also, why isn't there a built in
function in Excel that already does this?
- Aug 07 Thu 2008 20:46
Pull, can't get working