I really want to get rid of the ABR-1 on my Classic. I don't know why they use they design anymore. It's junk I tell you! Can I have my tech drill out the current ABR-1 holes and just plop the new posts in, or is there a different spacing (I don't feel like unstringing my two guitars to find out). I'm getting some TonePros for it so I want to know before I buy.

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I LOVE Slash's neck tone, so the obvious choice would be the APH in the neck. However I've heard amazing things about the Pearly Gates, and according to the chart they seem relatively similar. Can I get that same Slash smoothness and sweetness as well as the good cleans in a PG? Which would you guys suggest? I don't need to NAIL his tone, it's just that overall style of creaminess that I'm going for, and they're both Alnico II.

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Have you guys ever seen this flavor of Les Paul?

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hi everyone, i am just a beginner, a net friend said this is a good guitar, but i really don't know if it is..........

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I just ordered the following:

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has anyone played this amp or owned one? some guy is trying to sell me one for about 1700 all cleaned up with new tubes and all. I havent heard it yet but there are so many nobs on it that ime a little leary about it. to me less nobs=simple better tone.
He claims that once you figure this thing out with its 4 channels you cant go wrong is that true? does it have great gain and clip?

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....and as usual fate had a way of intervening.
It took over an hour just to get the freaking neck off,I'll give Yamaha this-they make them solid.

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I'm looking at a PRS custom 24 with the 5 way rotary switch, bird inlays, and the thin/wide neck. How cheap have you guys seen these babys go for?

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ok i tried soldering a pickups with cold heat and its such a bich . but anyways if i touch the pickup wires with the cold heat split tips will it demagnitize my pickup?(trying to install jazz sh-2n)

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