from : localhost/do you guys think of this? I can get it for $230.

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I know the amp I want is out there but I am running out of ideas! I want an amp that has that really bluesy sound (strats and tele being played) My Fender Twin just isn't it, it barks too much. I know I am looking for some sort of fender-like sound. Very clean with a lot of bluesy break up. Any ideas guys????

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$1400 seems a little high for a simple bolt-on like that, only the emg's stand out in the specs. is it worth the money compared to high end ibanez or fender? that's the price of a fender american vintage jazzmaster.

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In a mahogany neck and body guitar, 22 frets. There will be a coil split present too. I'm torn between the two.

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im gonna change the strings on my charvel from 9-46 to 10-46 because i want a more solid tone from it. i use 3 springs set up like this, | | |, but am wondering if i change to 10's, should i go up to 4 springs like, || ||?

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OKay i hav a C5 in my bridge and i was just wondering if u could get really nice artificial and pinch harms in a 59n and jazz combo. i think i hav a C5 and 59n combo but i live in indonesia and it is ****ing hard to speak english and for them to understand. Now that i got my guitar back either way im not changing the pups i love its new tone and the harms are fantastic! so i was just wondering i no the guitar generates most of the harms but i also no some pups help alot so what would hav better pinch harmonics 59n and jazz or 59n and C5

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Would you get a Fender Hot rod deluxe(1x12), or would you get a peavey classic 50/2x12?

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Looking for a clean clip of this pickup, thanks!

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what happens if you use an f-spaced pick up in a non trem guitar like a tele?

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hi, im new here and i need some suggestions.
i wanna upgrade my fender strat. i just bought a hot rail for the bridge and a cool rail for the neck. but wich one i should use for the middle one???

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