I went to GC Hollywood jus to kill some time on Sunday...... I've been wanting a P90 guitar for some time now.... well..... the wait is over.
They had a Wine Red PRS SE Soapbar II that played wonderfuly. It had a little belt rash on the back of the body which helped reduce the cost substantially.
- May 04 Tue 2010 20:58
New Guitar WOOO HOOOOO !!!!!!!!
- May 04 Tue 2010 20:58
how to test your guitars electronics?
Ok I did a search but couldnt find the awnser to my question so here it is. I redid the elecronics on my guitar and i put it back together and everything and i wanted to know if there is a way to test to see if i did it works right without string it up? I ask this cause i have no strings and wont beable to get to the store for a while.
- May 04 Tue 2010 20:58
Custom shop Jazz model for sale (among other neat thingies).
from : localhost/cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll...tem=7322574902
- May 04 Tue 2010 20:58
looking all over for em but cant find em cheap (those freaks over in germany seem to like em a bit much so they always go for more than what i am willing to pay (under 50$ .. yea, i'm a cheap ass)
- May 04 Tue 2010 20:58
I just installed ernie ball beefy slinkies in my sg... the action is uneven(I think the nut was too small for the bottom strings), they feel stiff and ****ty, and I just generally don't feel right playing the guitar now. *runs to gc to pick up normal slinkies again* the added tone, and stability for fast riffing is NOT worth it IMO for the absolute ****e feel of thick strings.
- May 04 Tue 2010 20:58
How do you get recorded rehearsal tracks off minidisc onto computer for burning?
I recorded a rehearsal tonight with my new minidisc recorder and it recorded it okay and i can play it back alright from the minidisc, but i cant seem to get it onto my computer with the supplied program???
- May 04 Tue 2010 20:58
neck:just like an old PAF
just got myself a knew spankin les paul.
its gotta have a duncan in the neck,kinda like a paf 59,with slightly less bass and highs,clean great for jazz and blues,and dirty all out tone to the bone just like an old PAF would.
- May 04 Tue 2010 20:58
eBay auction...
- May 04 Tue 2010 20:58
Dimension X mp3 samples are UP!!
Samples from all the songs.
- May 04 Tue 2010 20:58
Where do i place my eq pedal?
Hi i just bought an eq pedal. I use a boss metal zone pedal through my amps clean channel. where whould i put my eq pedal? If the answer is in the fx loop. how do i connect it? my amp has a send and return socket for the fx loop. my amp by the way is a peavey bandit 112s. thanks