
I recorded a rehearsal tonight with my new minidisc recorder and it recorded it okay and i can play it back alright from the minidisc, but i cant seem to get it onto my computer with the supplied program???

Its a sony and its recorded the jams in atrac3 format i can i get this across into mp3's or wav's...or something a little more practical than a bloody atrac! Well i cant even get them onto my PC at the moment...HELP

Unfortunatly you cant do it digitally, at least not using sonys program.I got a mini disc with the what i though anyway,added bonus of being able to record something onto it then directly transfer it to pc via the usb cable..But no, sony doesnt allow it!! So im afraid unless u can find some program that can do that (which would probobly be technically illegal) you'll have to record it manualy through your soundcard..

Thats such a load of crap i cant believe sony made it capable of recording, but didnt allow any means of transferring recorded things onto your computer. Thats got to be the biggest load of crap ever! I HATE YOU SONY!!!

what's so bad about playing the disc and running the output into your computer to re-record it? does it lose quality? I'd use cool edit or something to record it onto the computer, then you can hack up the waveforms as needed.

You could try just pluging your Mini disc player into the line in spot on the sound card of your CPU and then play the songs on the mini disc and record them on to the PC using the line in.

Originally Posted by Young Angus

Thats got to be the biggest load of crap ever! I HATE YOU SONY!!!Thats what i said when i found out a few years ago, probobly about 2 weeks after getting it and then trying to transfer what i recorded to pc

Remember . . . Google is your friend. You have the world at your fingertips. After reading this thread, I put quot;minidiscquot; into a Google search, which came up with quot;Minidisc.orgquot; as the first listing. Click on FAQ, click on quot;Beginner questionsquot;, and right there it is . . .

As for direct transfers from Minidisc to PC, such a capability would be great! (And a petition was sent to Sony asking them to add it.) Unfortunately Minidisc was designed with a so-called quot;audio/data firewallquot; that prevents the ATRAC audio data on MDs from being accessed directly by computer. This was done to comply with Recording Industry concerns over music piracy. (The fact that Sony has introduced the Digital Relay CRX10U-A2 [a portable MP3/audio CD player that is fully USB connectable for seamless audio/data transport to/from PC] is an irony due to the CD's grandfathered status as a computer peripheral that appeared before the Home Recording Rights Act [a law that impedes consumer bit for bit copying of audio content, see SCMS]).
Well there seems to be a minidisc transfer editor made by some company in britain which would do this, but there is no hacked version anywhere on pirate networks that i can find. Its called quot;minidisc transfer editorquot; by a company called EDL. And it costs about $5000 if you buy it because it's intended for audio professionals.

So guess ill just have to wait till they make ipods recordable

Originally Posted by metallicajs1You could try just pluging your Mini disc player into the line in spot on the sound card of your CPU and then play the songs on the mini disc and record them on to the PC using the line in.I've done this and it works well. It records back into your CPU at real time.

Originally Posted by metallicajs1You could try just pluging your Mini disc player into the line in spot on the sound card of your CPU and then play the songs on the mini disc and record them on to the PC using the line in.

My friend did this with his when we jammed together - it worked fine. Sure, it's not taking the file from the minidisc and putting it on your hard drive, but it worked fine as I recall. It has to have a line out or a headphones out.

from what I know, it puts it onto the CPU hard drive. It records it as a .wav file

Yeah ill have to do that. Thats just the same as if we were using tapes and recording from tapes onto the hard drive in real time but with better quality so its not a total loss. I just bought the MD under the impression that since it was digital such a direct transfer feature would be available...but thanks to such a lovely corporation like sony always looking out for the little people, you cant do that.


Originally Posted by Young AngusYeah ill have to do that. Thats just the same as if we were using tapes and recording from tapes onto the hard drive in real time but with better quality so its not a total loss. I just bought the MD under the impression that since it was digital such a direct transfer feature would be available...but thanks to such a lovely corporation like sony always looking out for the little people, you cant do that.


I think iPod offers the option of click and dragging live recordings onto a CPU

But there is no line in or mic jack in an ipod, how would you record anything live?

If you get one of the new HI-MD units (RH910, RH10, MC10, MC100(same things but with mics) you can upload PCM (wav) tracks from the player. You can't upload Atrac files, however.


Originally Posted by Young AngusBut there is no line in or mic jack in an ipod, how would you record anything live? a device made specifically for said task like this one.

Originally Posted by D-EJ915If you get one of the new HI-MD units (RH910, RH10, MC10, MC100(same things but with mics) you can upload PCM (wav) tracks from the player. You can't upload Atrac files, however.


Well ive got a net MD that is compatible with HI-MD's and it can record through a microphone as well as a line in...does that mean that whatever i record through the mic input will be recorded as a wav file?

Also im hearing the sound through the line in of my sound card now and trying to record it with cool edit pro but cool edit isnt picking it up? What gives? I frequently record with cool edit using my microphone into the back microphone there some setting i have to change so it listens for line input rather than the mic?

I have a Sony MZ-NH700 HiMD minidisc recorder and I have transferred test files I recorded with a mic onto my PC using the Sonic Stage software that came with it. The file format is OpenMG (ATRAC3plus), files have a .omg file extension. I haven't tried burning a CD of these files, but I have burned CDs from files I have downloaded from the net into Sonic Stage, which are OpenMG Audio (ATRAC3) - .oma file extension. Maybe I will hit problems when I try to burn a CD from files recorded with the mic. If band practice happens this Monday, I will try to record it and see if I can get it onto a CD!

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