The quot;dream pickupquot; thread by our friend Erlend_G got me thinking about this. If you could have a pickup that could do and sound like anything what would it be like?
Mine is pretty simple - A humbucker that sounded fat and smooth when cranked with nice balanced response and vintage-beefy output. When rolled back it would clean up and sound like the best fender single-coils, nice and jangly and sweet with clear definition. As a bonus it would be 4-condutor and sound like a vintage P-90 when wired in parallel. I would call this the FrankenBucker
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This would, without a doubt, be the ultimate pickup.
Honestly, the Distortion is pretty damn close, but I guess a JB that's as aggressive as the Distortion... perhaps either of these with a small ceramic?
if the dimarzio x2n had slightly less output, it would come close to being my perfect pup
A minihumbucker in a full-bucker-sized cover to go into my 335.
A 7 string Phat Cat.
Originally Posted by theboatcandreamA 7 string Phat Cat.
yoiks... 7 string bassiness with single coil sounds....
the EMG 81 is my dream pup for now, but keep in mind i play metal if i were to play a lot of other things with the band the JB would be it
on my own at home i play a lot of non metal things and the JB serves me well
If I could get the lows and mids out of a Distortion in the bridge with the highs out of a Distortion in the neck, with Rails, then I think that would be my dream pickup. As it stands, I'll take a pair of Distortions with Rails. I can live with switching between the two for leads and rhythms.
Do I have to choose just one? Seriously, I like having a lot of different tones available.
One that I'm going to have made by the Custom Shop is a 5/2 twangbanger wound like Seymour's Tele hot pickup in his Esquire. I'm guessing that will come close to the perfect Strat bridge pickup for me.
My dream bridge pickup would be the DiMarzio Tone Zone if it split well and actually cleaned up nice with the volume rolled off.
Originally Posted by Jimbojsryoiks... 7 string bassiness with single coil sounds....
You mean the phat cat? P90s have scooped bass ends and more mids.
a DD with a touch less mids.....thats damn near perfect for me.
Well, if i could get a pickup that could sound like a custom custom with the highs and singing qualities of a JB, which sounded like two paralell wired Alnico 2 Pro Single coils when wired in paralell (d'oh) , i would be happy.
I also like the Jazz model alot.... maybe a Jazz with Alnico 2's would be the solution?
Something with warm highs, crisp lows and full mids. Dynamic as hell. I think that low-medium output would serve me well. Perhaps along a ´59 overwound a bit, or the blues trembucker. How about a humbucker 5/2? A demon? Demon with those different screws on lows and normals on highs?
I think I may have found it already - the SH-55 Seth Lover model!
- May 04 Tue 2010 20:58
Describe Your Dream Pickup