lads, I know this is probably the most asked question on this thread but i'll ask it again.
Waiting for tax cheque to come back, then im buying a strat. lately ive been getting into SRV, always liked hendrix and Mcready from early Pearl Jam (ten and vs). Among many others, these are the Strat players I like most though. Have always wanted a sunburst strat with maple neck, and now im about to get the cash, im going to get one. Now my question is which one should i get. The Highway 1 or the MIA. From what I can gather the highways are pretty decent, but have thin finish, so they appear to age quicker? not sure whether i like that idea or not.
The highway and MIA have same neck and frets, which i prefered over the mexican strats I played. The American has a 2 point trem, and the highway 6. The 2 point trem stays in tune better?
What is hardware like in either guitar? Also know that I need to shop around cause every guitar line has some dodgy ones.
Oh yeah, price here is bout $1900AUS for the American, and about $1400AUS for the Highway 1.
Thanks guys.
a HW1 is the same body, bridge and pickups from the MIM Classic series with the neck from an American Standard, with the thin finish...if you do a search on the forum you will find lots of information. I am not a fan of the 2 point tremolo, so of the 2 I prefer a HW1. That said, if you are looking for a maple fingerboard Strat a Jimmy Vaughan is the best guitar for the money you can put your hands on...most guys don't even change the pickups!
I hadnt even heard of the jimmie vaughan strat, looked it up on net, looks the goods, just need to find a music store that stocks them.
Thanks for that, and prior to posting Ive spent hours reading strat posts on this forum.
Jimmy Vaughan has a V-Neck, I kinda like it myself.
I have a clapton that has a V-Neck and they play pretty similar.
I can tell you a LOT Of people that have the Highway 1 talk about how great the neck is, it seems like a lot of them go on and on about the neck, they just can't get over the neck etc.
The finish is cool in a sense because with it being the thin laquer style it should wear and kind of relic itself i you are into that
are there any pictures on the forum of highway 1s that have aged a bit?
from : localhost/it compares the highway 1 and Fender american standard, straight fro mFender.
- May 04 Tue 2010 20:58
Highway 1 vs American Standard Strat Again. Sorry