
I just installed the G12H30 in a Peavey CLassic 30 and I'm not doing back flips. It sounds like there is blanket over the speaker in some settings. I don't know if it's the amp or the speaker just needs to break in.

Do let it break in for a bit for sure. If it still doesn't do it for you, the new Eminence line has a lot of nice choices. I have a Red White amp; Blues in my 30 and I really like it. The texas heat is another good choice. But give the celestion some time at volume first.

Yeah spank it good...
I always breaks them in at very loud volumes.

Like a blanket over the speaker??? Turn up the treble, turn up the mids and turn down the bass!

Most guys who prefer the G12H30 over the Vintage 30 prefer it because the G12H30 has more bass and mids than the Vintage 30...that makes the G12H30 seem to have less treble than the Vintage 30.

But maybe you're one of those who would have prefered the Vintage 30?

I like them both and use them both...

Yeah, I like them both amp; the Greenback, but I think the H30 is my favorite.

Pair one with a Greenback or the V-30 amp; you'll love 'em!

DEFINITELY...let it break in before giving up on it

Originally Posted by LewguitarLike a blanket over the speaker??? Turn up the treble, turn up the mids and turn down the bass!

Most guys who prefer the G12H30 over the Vintage 30 prefer it because the G12H30 has more bass and mids than the Vintage 30...that makes the G12H30 seem to have less treble than the Vintage 30.

But maybe you're one of those who would have prefered the Vintage 30?

I like them both and use them both...

I figured the G12H30 would be the best bet b/c of it's bass...I'm using an SG and I wanted it as fat-sounding as possible...I'm chasing the Clapton/Cream Live at the Grande Ballroom tone!!!!

Jam on it with some good volume for about a week. Speaker break-in is a definite factor.

yeah, turn down the bass for sure

it's not a speaker for scooping mids, either

Originally Posted by PUCKBOY99Yeah, I like them both amp; the Greenback, but I think the H30 is my favorite.

Pair one with a Greenback or the V-30 amp; you'll love 'em!

DEFINITELY...let it break in before giving up on it

Does his amp have 2x12's or just 1x12?

It's got a 1x12. I am going to crank it at my parents this weekend and see what the deal is.

Those speakers are AMAZING! check your amp.

EL84s should sound good with it, but those speakers need to be PUSHED and BROKEN IN, else they sound stiff.

There should be NO blanket. Perhaps you want a glassier top? These don't do glass. Eminence do glass.
Also, some new Celestions are inconsistent since China took over. It could be a bad batch. I have had that problem.

Hook up a CD player and loop some low volume tunage through it all night for a few nights. I don't think you need to hammer it, just a constant steady music signal for about 72 hours. Well, at least, that's how I break mine in.

i do the same as scott, but i run high volume durring the day. when im not home and dont have to listen to it. and im not around to listen to my neighbors complain

Originally Posted by StevoJam on it with some good volume for about a week. Speaker break-in is a definite factor.

Double quadruple Ditto!!!

When I first got my Marshall 1936 new a good few months back (possibly closer to a year now that i think of it) I thought it just plain sounded like A$$/Icepick/I dunno what!.But i knew it had to sound alot better eventually becuase my 4X12 has the same speakers amp; sound absolutley amazing(and cost me about 1/2 the price #8364;120 ) but all i needed was a little breaking in.I did what jeremy said for abobut 12 hours one day.Cranked the volume to probobly about 8 or 9 on the DSL with a cd player and when I finally played it after, it sounded Sweet!!

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