
[COLOR=DarkOrange]For fans of instrumental guitar (Satriani, Vai, Johnson) Ken Snyder has released his follow up to One titled Nevermore. COLOR]

quot;Ken Snyder's Nevermore follows in the footsteps of his 2003 CD, quot;Onequot;, but takes it to the next level. With Nevermore, you'll experience elements of hard rock, heavy metal and blues, walking a tightrope between emotionally filled guitar playing with flashes of virtuoso playing.quot;

Available online from Guitar9 from : localhost/and CDBaby from : localhost/available at from : localhost/

04-03-2005, 06:19 PM #1
Junior Member

Join Date: Apr 2005
Location: California
Posts: 3 Nevermore the follow up to One


For fans of instrumental guitar (Satriani, Vai, Johnson) Ken Snyder has released his follow up to One titled Nevermore.

Ken Snyder's Nevermore follows in the footsteps of his 2003 CD, quot;Onequot;, but takes it to the next level. With Nevermore, you'll experience elements of hard rock, heavy metal and blues, walking a tightrope between emotionally filled guitar playing with flashes of virtuoso playing.quot;

Available online from Guitar9 from : localhost/and CDBaby from : localhost/available at from : localhost/
04-30-2005, 06:52 PM #1
Junior Member

Join Date: Apr 2005
Location: California
Posts: 3 A little shred is a good thing...


For fans of instrumental guitar (Satriani, Vai, Johnson) Ken Snyder has released his follow up to One titled Nevermore.

quot;Ken Snyder's Nevermore follows in the footsteps of his 2003 CD, quot;Onequot;, but takes it to the next level. With Nevermore, you'll experience elements of hard rock, heavy metal and blues, walking a tightrope between emotionally filled guitar playing with flashes of virtuoso playing.quot;

Available online from Guitar9 from : localhost/and CDBaby from : localhost/available at from : localhost/

You have 3 posts on the board, all are in tips and clips, and all are shameless plugs for Ken Snyder´s cd, which I can only assume is YOUR CD by these actions... you don´t even make the effort od rephrasing but merely spam the boards like some ****** selling airfresh...

If this is all you have to contribute: Thank you, you presence here is no longer needed.

I personally liked quot;Onequot;, but for the sole reason of this spamming will NOT even consider buying Nevermore... you knew the rules when you signed up, you repeatedly decided to disregard them, a minimum of one less cd sold is now the result...

If Zerb is correct, make that 2.

Originally Posted by ZerberusWE KNOW ALREADY
You have 3 posts on the board, all are in tips and clips, and all are shameless plugs for Ken Snyder´s cd, which I can only assume is YOUR CD by these actions... you don´t even make the effort od rephrasing but merely spam the boards like some ****** selling airfresh...

If this is all you have to contribute: Thank you, you presence here is no longer needed.

I personally liked quot;Onequot;, but for the sole reason of this spamming will NOT even consider buying Nevermore... you knew the rules when you signed up, you repeatedly decided to disregard them, a minimum of one less cd sold is now the result...

.....and Zerb is correct. That brings the count up to 3.


I hope the admins leave this thread up (maybe even sticky it) just as an example of how annoying people on purpose can backfire...

One post I wouldn´t have minded, I wouldn´t have even minded all3, IF he had ever actually done anything else here..... I´m also a shameless self promoter at times... But at least I TRY to give something to the community instead of joining it for the sole purpose of leeching off of it

OK, let's just leave it alone and let it drift to the back pages.

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