
Hi! Well i have been a huge fans of hardtails but after watching what you can do with a floyd rose I want one!

Im looking to spend around 500-700 dollars no floating trems either

No floating trems? I have never seen a non floating trem unless it was blocked and that's more of a DIY operation than a factory made one...

I say Jackson DK2, or any of the Professional series or else in this price, Ibanez RG1550 and 1570.

Yeah, floating is part of why the Floyd can do all those divebombs and stuff. Or do you mean surface mounted instead of recessed?

Here's a link to a very modestly priced, OFR equipped guitar: OLP Mod

The Floyd Rose on wolfgang's is non-floating. It rests on the body, and can only go down instead of least that's the way the guitar player in the band I'm in uses his....not sure if that's how they were intended....I'm an idiot when it comes to floyds. My first guitar had a floyd rose, and man, I blocked that thing really quick

Yeah I meant non-recessed! lol sorry

Oh I would perfer two humbucker, 3 way switch, set neck

Schecter C1 FR my friend.

The Schecter kicks ass, but it's recessed.

You won't find a guitar in that price range with a set neck and non-recessed floyd. Get the Schecter, and block the Floyd if you really don't want it fully floating.

If you reaaaallly want a guitar with a trem (but not a floyd) that's above the body, Fender's Showmasters have that.

Actually, while not the best guitars on earth, the Epiphone Goth series is available with Floyds and they're above the body (well, the SG is only hardtail)...they've got pics on the harmony-central website somewhere...

A used charvel modell 5 sounds exactly like what you want (but it´s a neck through).

Ibenez makes a ton of cheap Floyd trem guitars. You can block the trem yourself but I wouldnt. Check out Billy Idols quot;eyes without a facequot; You can hear Steve Stevens pulling up a little on the trem on the clean little fill in parts. Its a very cool sounding technique. I would have one guitar for diff tuneings and one straight up unblocked Floyd Rose guitar. Thats what I have now and it realy covers most anything you want to do as far as electric guitar. You know come to think of it, you can get some wicked sounding distortion licks by hitting a false harmonic and pulling up on a Floyd trem. Steve Vai does this alot and he gets some insane squeals out of his guitar.
Anyway, good luck

On second thought, guys thanks but no thanks...I just tried a floyd and stuff tonight and didnt like it, plus I never really know when to use them...hardtails from here on out...or are there?

But what about this floyd? Its not recessed...see! its on the body itself! Now thats what Im looking for!

Originally Posted by mnbaseball91Schecter C1 FR my friend.

I had no idea Schecter made a FR equipped guitar.

They continue to amaze me. They build high quality guitars with great electronics and hardware, all in a very reasonable pricerange. In the distant future I'll be looking for a good Floyd axe, and I'll have to keep this one on my memo pad.

If you want a FR equipped axe, get an old Charvel, Jackson or Kramer (if you're down with bolt-ons). You can get a Japanese Charvel for about the same as a new Korean Schecter, ESP, etc...

wow the schecter is niiice, bout my budget... im goin to guitar center soon, hope they have that or one like it i can try

Originally Posted by tfb1990wow the schecter is niiice, bout my budget... im goin to guitar center soon, hope they have that or one like it i can try

Don't buy at GC. Overpriced corporation crap for the most part. Get it from eBay or a Mom n Pop store.

But cant floyds be mounted to the body so that you can only dive bomb? Like that guitar that I posted a pic of?

Originally Posted by GuitarGuru88But cant floyds be mounted to the body so that you can only dive bomb? Like that guitar that I posted a pic of?

yes they can, most old fender strats and charvels and such are like that. it's my favorite way since you keep the sustain of the trem hitting the body but can dive bomb all day long and stay in tune! but no cool harmonic pullups etc...but there's only so many times you can do that anyway lol. i say build a warmoth charvel strathead clone with a top mounted floyd. if you don't go crazy you can do it in your price range (near the high end of it though). that's on my list of guitars i want to build!!


just go to or somewhere else? where can I see a pic of what your talking about

Can you have set-neck warmoths?

if not...

What do you have against recessed floating floyd rose trems? I see so many ppl complain about them on here but I've had floyd's and floyd copies since I started playing and never had a problem with them. For the longest time I wouldn't even look at a guitar without one. I love both now and would actually prefer a hardtail but if a guitar had a floyd it would hardly keep me from buying it.

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