Hey guys. I Hung out at the store after my lesson on Thursday and tried out a Fender HRD with my JS1000BP. At first I tried the clean channel with an Ibanez Turbo Screamer. That really didn't do the trick. Then I tried it on the OD Channel with the same pedal, and that still didn't do the trick. Then my friend who works at the store brought over a Digitech Metal quot;somethingquot; pedal, it was about 100 bucks if that helps you. That totally did the trick. That pedal sounded awesome with my guitar and that Fender. I didn't even tweak the amp at all and I was well pleased with the tones I was getting. I never realized how much more sustain you get out of a real amp versus a modeling/solid state amp like mine. I know that with some tweaking and some other good pedals, that Fender HRD has some high potential for being a shredding amp. I'm looking towards that amp because more than anything, I need good cleans. Anyone have any pedals that they could suggest, that really make the Fender HRD shine? You guys should totally check this thing out!
1st thing that comes to mind would be a Spina modded DS-1 or maybe a
marshall jackhammer. I just ordered the parts to build a pedal called
BSIAB II (brown sound in a box) I will post clips when it's done (hopefully if
it will work? ) I have a HRD but it's in Florida and I'm stuck here
in NY for atleast another 6 months.
^ yeah
but if you plan on doin shows, i'd go with the deville, the hot rod overdrives at giggable volumes, but the deville, well, it doesn't really, it CAN, but you have that option
Dude, I use my HRD for 1000-1200 cap venues and it is PLENTY loud enough... Of course, we use a PA, but if you are playing a venue where 40 watts isn't loud enough, then you SHOULD be using a PA, anyway!
I have enjoyed every minute of my HRD and every time I pick it up to set-up/pack-up, I love the fact that I got the 112 version instead of the 212 or 410.... The only thing I have done so far is to install a pair of JJ's that break-up later, so I have TONS of clean headroom! The Drive channel is set for slight breakup to get a henry Garza tone, and I use pedals for anything heavier..... My main pedal is the Double Shot which was redeemed by this amp, and I occassionaly use the Digitech Metal Master when jamming with some younger kids after their lesson.... All in all, I am VERY happy with the pruchase of that amp!!!! And the stock speaker handles it all very well.... From Fender chimey cleans to the chugga-chugga, I get great tones.... Although, I have to say that is not my style, I mainly stop around Jeff Beck-esque classic gain/tone!
Hope that helps some....
yeah, but a PA isn't always an option
Those cheaper distortion pedals can get great sounds out of a Hot Rod Deluxe.
I've got (3) Boss distortion pedals: Blues Driver, DS-1, and Hyper Metal.
They all do the trick, I've got like 6 different sounds I can get with those 3 without even turning a knob. Fun Stuff
Quick question: Is it possible to use a 40 watts tube amp but not have it distort and use a distorsion pedal, to play at room volume and still have a heavy metal tone?
It's totally impossible with metal tube amps You need to play way loud.
I read u'r title 3 times be4 i realized it said satch, amp; not snatch.
The Deluxe is an awesome amp. Really, if you think the Deluxe doesn't have enough headroom, just get an extension cab. The extra 20w on the Deville doesn't even add much in the way of perceived volume. Remember, it takes twice the power to increase the volume 3dB, which really isn't significant.
And I'm not quite sure I understand your question. You don't need to turn up any amp. Albeit most tube amps sound better when they're turned up, they don't need to be turned up to get tone out of them. The Deluxe sounds good at normal room level IMO.
BUT, the extra speaker and 20 watts adds about 3.5-4db
slap a 12at7 in the PI amp; i think it'd seem like it stayed clean quite a bit longer than a deluxe
- May 04 Tue 2010 20:58
Tried a Fneder Hot Rod with my Satch the other day...