
Greetings from soggy Newport Beach, CA .

I am just wondering about this whole MIDI thing at the moment. I have a Tascam 4 Track Analog here at home, but it really does suck! I am currently having both of my Guitars re-vamped and I want to put some tracks together on my puter in the near future. Can anyone please tell me if either one of these software packages is for me?
Thanks a million,

Cakewalk is a pretty good program to start with. I've used it a little and it was pretty intuitive overall. I'm using Cool Edit at the mo, which is quite nice too.

I'm using Cakewalk Guitar Tracks, and I really like it. Quite intuitive, and about 150 bucks.

I use cakewalk pro 3 for guitars. I'm not sure of it's midi capabllities?
I use fruity loops for midi, convert to mp3 than bring it into cakewalk.
As for Amplitube? I was never able to dial up a useful tone without
it driving me crazy. For $99 the guitarport blows it outta the water!

I've used Amplitube, and I hated it. The only sounds you can get from it sound like Revolution by the Beatles and Black Dog by Led Zeppelin. I'd recommend micing an amp, or using a Pod or V-Amp if you have to have modeling.

I have been usin Cakewalk since 1996 and love it. I use alot of midi and its real easy. I never had the manual and figured it out. I am pretty stupid too LOL.

I don't use the Amplitube because I can't seem to run it realtime.

Originally Posted by JammerMattI don't use the Amplitube because I can't seem to run it realtime.

You need more computer power!!!

I use SONAR 3.0 Producer for editing at the moment, and I quite like it.

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