
hello, help me somebody knows wich type of seymour duncan pickups john frusciante use on his '59 fender stratocaster???? i need an answer please....

i could never find out what pickups he used. and i looked everywhere. but i can get his tone from just regular strat pickups. its mostly his amps (and him) that give his tone. i actually dont think he uses SD pickups. i think he keeps his strats stock.

I've always thought he used stock vintage strat pickups.

since you're probably not going to get a straight foward right answer, i can recommend waht i believe is the best set-up for frusciante. SSL-1 or SSL-2 for all 3 positions, or SSL-1/2 neck and middle, and APS-1 or APS-2 bridge. but it hink the absolute best way to get it is to either get Lindy Fralin strats, or Duncan Antiquity strats.

Little off topic, but is anyone else bummed how crappy his tones have been lately?

Frusciante's tones on BloodSugarSexMagic were HUGE. They were dry as hell, clean, simple, but at the same time, it sounded like his amp was right there in front of you. In fact, everything on that album sounds amazing. And there's so much sonic space, too.

When Californication came out, his tones were awful. That whole record is a sonic disappointment. For the most part, the snare sounds like a garbage can, the guitars sound small, the bass sounds farty, and the vocals sound like theyre digitally clipping left and right. Boo.

I agree with the earlier post that mainly, his tone comes from the way you attack your guitar. Frusciante KILLS those strings when he digs in. Many people will argue, but he's one of my favorite players of all time. Get a strat with single coils, plug into a marshall that's slightly gritty, and you're halfway there.

The closest I've got to a frusciante tone were stock 80's jap single coils in a fender. I'm hoping that the SSL1's that I ordered from Lew will give me more variety, but still let me get that funky BSSM sound.

Another key to his BSSM tones is the Boss CE1 Chorus unit. It's ALL OVER that record.

PS: If you want to sound like Frusciante during his heroin-phase, make sure you play really BAD thru a boss DS2 turbo distortion. hahaha.

i dont think necesarily his tones are worse, but they are different. i really like his tone on scar tissue. but i agree, nothing beats the old frusciante. and yes, he really pics hard, and more towards the neck.

I heard John just uses the vintage Fender strat pickups. Antiquity surfers would probally be ideal or the SSL-1's would also probally do it.

Just cuz I'm on a roll:

For Mothers Milk, word is he played an Ibanez thru a Mesa Boogie. The tones on that album are mostly atrocious, but some are kinda cool. quot;Pretty little dittyquot; has some funky tones.

And, I've seen concert videos, circa 1989, where he plays a 3 pickup Les Paul Custom, for quot;Higher Groundquot; and quot;Knock me Downquot;.

somebody from SD came on here a year or two ago, and said he had SSL1's in one of his strats.....dont remember which one

Originally Posted by italic zeroI've always thought he used stock vintage strat pickups.

1 although SSL-1's would be pretty close.

ok thank you very much to all of you

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