
Any kind of EQ pedal but I prefer a Boss GE-7. I will take anything I could care less if it looked like it was ran over and thrown off the Grand Canyon as long as it works. I have an open mind though so let me know what you got and how much your asking. Thanks

from : localhost/;rd=1
I personally know this one works perfectly, being sold by a forum member. Can you bid? If not can you beat the current bids price on here?

Do you live in the US?

Bump, still looking for one of these. And Yes I live in the US. California.

I have a DOD FX40-B I maybe willing to part with? I'll check to see what the fair market value is for it, Or make me a offer via a PM.

Originally Posted by kmcguitarsI have a DOD FX40-B I maybe willing to part with? I'll check to see what the fair market value is for it, Or make me a offer via a PM.

MMMmmm nice EQ pedal

I've got a Boss EQ-20 for sale or trade

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