
I am looking for a great sounding Phaser with true bypass. I hear good things about the Maxon but it isn't true bypass, same with the MXR EVH model...

Any suggestions??


Get an older MXR unit (not the Dunlop reissue) and wire it for true bypass.


The G-Force phaser isn't doing it for you?

i think the line6 modulation modeler can be set for true bypass- i know the delay pedal can, but i never use it in true bypass...

Originally Posted by italic zeroThe G-Force phaser isn't doing it for you?

The G-Force phaser is very good but I am using it in a parallel loop with the mix being pretty subtle. I use the G-Force mainly for some delay (excellent), reverb and chorus. In a serial loop it would be great. I'd like a pedal phaser for some old Van Halen, more in your face phaser stuff.

I really dig the new MXR unit- just wish it had true bypass.

Red Witch Moon Phaser.

But, it'd be cheaper just to buy a Phase 90 and jam a TB stomp switch into it.

Thanks SD. That looks like a neat pedal.

I've got the Maxon PH-350 and I friggin' love it!!!! You can find them quot;relativelyquot; inexpensive (~$175) used. But like you said it's not True Bypass. The good news is is that it can be done fairly easily because the switch is not attached to the circuit board. I got a quote from Analogman for $35 for the mod plus shipping... I'm sending mine in 2 weeks.

There's currently one for sale on Boston's craigslist for $160...

from : localhost/

Here's my original thread when I bought it...

from : localhost//forum/showthread.php?t=25655

well while it's not true BP the evh phase 90 is great. i love mine and i won't let that little sucker go! it's just a classic sounding phase...and as rsp said...can't you just have it modded to be TB if it's a must?


TBP is really a must. When I was younger I absolutely hated how every pedal I would buy made my guitar sound different (even when the pedal was off). I got where I just refused to use any pedals period. I'd plug straight into the amp. Now, I am finding these TBP pedals that don't thin out your tone at all. Perfect. I wonder how hard it would be to add TBP to the MXR?? I really love that thing overwise. I haven't spent enough time with one to tell if they thin out your tone when off. Any experience with that XSSIVE?

well as of now my main rig is real simple...guitar into boss tu-2 floor tuner into evh phase 90 into my amp (i have a bunch of other pedals i use on and off but i'm waiting to finish my full pedal collection before i start using them all on a board). anyway i never have any problems with the evh phase and a sound change when it's off to be honest. it is a bit odd at the same time if you use it say for an into and then shut it off while still playing you'll think it's faintly still on for like 2 seconds but i realized it's not the pedal it's just my ears thinking they still hear the quot;woooshquot; sound from when it was other guitarist never hears it when i ask him to listen for it so i'm just strange i guess lol. if you buy it from a large chain store or online large place they usually have a return policy if i'm not mistaken ( i think it goes for pedals also...but check first) so if it doesn't work for you and you hear a tone change that you can't live with you can just send it back. otherwise i think a few modders can make it TB with no problem...ask stratdeluxer (sp?) he may be able to do it since he said he could make my MXR distortion TB if i wanted.


Everyone I know that mods pedals stay away from the ones whose toggle switches are mounted to the circuit board. Usually it's a real estate issue or just too high a risk of breaking something. I know the old-style MXR pedals have their switches mounted to the case ans NOT the board... but I think all new MXR pedal switches are board mounted. If you are going to get it modded then I would check with the mod-er before you buy the pedal.

Good luck!

Vintage MXR pedals can be modded very easily. The newer ones...well, not so easily. I'm sure there's probably some way to do it, but I don't really see any easy way. The Maxon stomp switch pedals can be true bypassed, but it's not really necessary. They use a very good buffered bypass system which does not color the tone in any way. Boss, Ibanez, and certain Maxon pedals that use electronic FET switching are also well-designed. They can be true bypassed, but it's more difficult than with a stomp switch, and it's not really necessary. Keep in mind that true bypass is not always the best bypass method. If you run long cables or use multiple pedals, it's a good idea to have at least one that has a buffered bypass. True bypass is most useful with pedals that have older stomp switches, like the MXR pedals. Those will color your tone if you don't true bypass them.


Without cutting up the PCB on the newer MXR units and rerunning wire to a 3PDT switch, you're better off buying either the orange Phase 90 or EVH model and running it through a true bypass box.

Heck, buy the orange model and mod it to make it sound similar to the old script logo models (otherwise known as the R28 mod). It's way cheaper and the mod is easy. Just requires a SPST switch and some patience. There's more to getting a newer one to sound like an old script logo model but the R28 mod is a good start.

why don't you get one of these?

from : localhost/bypass, replica circuit of vintage phase 90 (but also with power supply socket).

this is the one I made:
Thanks Shredaholic!!!

Honestly, I can't see myself taking the time to actually build the pedal myself but I saw the pre-made models for $99 which seems like a good deal.

How do you like yours? You did a great job on that by the way. I'd like to paint mine, just wouldn't enjoy soldering it and stuff.

i forgot to mention the build your own as an option...i just ordered my first pedal kit from them...a screamer, we'll see how it is. i'm psyched to paint it and design the name a logos for it more than i am to use it lol.


The phaser sounds awesome! You can tell its the script logo version, as it totally nails early Van Halen (stuff like Atomic Punk etc). The clean sound with it on is really nice, smooth and no distortion at all. It wasn't really hard to build, just took a few hours to do a good job of it as theres a lot of components to solder. If you've got basic soldering / spray painting skills down its pretty simple. The guy has a forum where he offers tech support, so if its not working you can tell him whats wrong with the sound that comes through and he can direct you where to correct the joint.

The pedals are a lot of fun to build, and I've definetly caught the bug for building my own effects. Next I'm gonna order the new delay pedal as soon as I get some money in the paypal account.

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