
I bought a new walnut Squier Tele a couple of months ago because I wanted a trad sounding Tele. Not a bad guitar but the 500K pots don't make sense. I've tried changing pots and pickups but haven't been happy. Remembering I had a Tele Hot Rails and a neck Cool Rails stashed away I pulled them out and put them in along with the original 500k pots.....WOW! Backing off the volume gets very close to the original sound and by sending the tone lead to the center lug on the volume pot it doesn't lose highs as you turn it down. Now I can have my cake and eat it too, as my main Tele has a JB/59 set, using single coils calls for changing amp settings which is annoying. Now I don't have to mess with the amp (Carvin MTS head with JJ 6L6's into a Dual Showman 2-15 cab-MONSTER TONE) anyway enough blabber it's just nice when you find happiness at last!

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