
has anyone played this amp or owned one? some guy is trying to sell me one for about 1700 all cleaned up with new tubes and all. I havent heard it yet but there are so many nobs on it that ime a little leary about it. to me less nobs=simple better tone.
He claims that once you figure this thing out with its 4 channels you cant go wrong is that true? does it have great gain and clip?
Anyway I thought Ide ask you guys cuz I know you guys will give me the straight dope on this amp.

man that amp rocks!!! i wish i had the money and buy it, the gain, well lets put it this way if you buy it you wont need anymore gain!!!
yep it has 4 channels, that amp is a monster !!!
it should it been named quot;Monstar Kingquot;

I've never played one, but is the seller local? If he is, just take your guitar and play with it (at volume preferably) for an hour or two.

I personally don't like it and wouldn't drop anywhere near 1700 on it, but I also only like the Stiletto and F series by Boogie.

Go try one out, and decide for yourself. Or, check on eBay for the current going rate. If its more than 1700, get the amp. If you don't like it, you can only make a few bucks at worst.

$1700 seems pretty cheap to me for one of those. Are you sure it's not stolen?

Philthis....aren't you in LA? If so, go to the Amp Show next to the Van Nuys Airport on Saturday and see ALL the new good amps. You may be able to get a killer custom made amp for the same money, if those amp builders hook you up at dealer cost.

I think the Road King is one of the most overdone, complicated pieces of gear available. I also don't think it sounds very good. For $1700 you could get something much better IMO.

Originally Posted by GearjoneserPhilthis....aren't you in LA? If so, go to the Amp Show next to the Van Nuys Airport on Saturday and see ALL the new good amps. You may be able to get a killer custom made amp for the same money, if those amp builders hook you up at dealer cost.

great idea Joneser however I cant make it to L.A. right now due to some complications wich would take to long to explain. I am however going to the bogner sight to check out the tone clips as I know how much you are loveing your amp. it does make me want to try one. I just tried the stilleto wich is a good el34 amp for the money but I still wish it had a little more gain. I did like the simple layout of the stilleto but the road king seemed to have all kinds of nobs every where and for those who know-the more preamps and gizmo's an amp has-no matter how well meaning-it usually screws up the tone.

Originally Posted by JOLLY$1700 seems pretty cheap to me for one of those. Are you sure it's not stolen?

its at a guitar store Jolly but it was a trade in and that makes me leary. what does the origanal owner know about the amp that I dont. Sure he could be dumping it cuz he's getting married or divourced-you guys know the same ol sad stories- but still how many bogners do you see traded in? see what I mean? it does make you wonder. I wont buy anything else till I hear a bogner. if I like it I will save the bucks till I can get one. I hate to spend the wod but you guys know when you like somthing buying around it only leads to frustration and eventially just buying what you really wanted anyway to begain with. I guess its like Ide rather spend 10 bucks wisley than 7 bucks foolishly. now I have to decide is the bogner worth the extra bucks? I already have a good clean amp so I will be switching between 2 amps. 1 for cleans and 1 for distortion.

You could always find a used Shiva head, and Bogner 2-12 or 4-12. It's a lot less money than the Ecstasy. Also, ENGL Powerball, Soldano Hotrod 50/100 Plus, or VHT may be considerations. Ecstasys are ridiculously good amps, but you can always get those same tones by using a really good two channel amp with a highend overdrive pedal, as your highgain channel. I can't wait to see what cool new amp companies there are this weekend at the Amp Show. There's some new brands I've heard of but never really heard.

The Road King tries to be everything to everyone, and you need to spend serious time setting one up.

In my opinion it falls short of the mark, but several others love it.

I have just ordered a Lonestar Special which is great (I cant wait for it to get here!), and I would love to have a Stilleto Deuce as well.

I love mine.

I needed the 4 channels. Yeah, I know that seems like a lot, but trust me. I was pricing out Diezel VH4s and the Road King is a LOT more reasonable.

1700 is a steal.BTW: It really didn't take me long at all to set up - it's easy if you know a little of what to expect from different tube combinations and rectification settings. There's a bit of a learning curve on how the effects loops are set up, but they work very well once you decode the weirdness of them.

The best feature of the amp is the ability to run different power tube combinations on each channel. To have channel 1 run on four 6L6's and diode rectification (on the quot;tweedquot; setting) for a really nice twin-type clean and footswitch directly to channel 2 running two EL34's on tube rectification and quot;britquot; mode for an overdriven Plexi vibe is a lot of fun!

Also, running Channel 4 on all power tubes (four 6L6 and two EL34) on any setting at massive gain levels really does sound to me like I've bi-amped a dual rec and a modded JCM 800 and run them both through the same cab. You get the solid 6L6 thud and smoothness, with all the presence and aggressive midrange of EL34-based amps. It'll raise the hair on the back of your neck, for real.

Plus, if you ever get tired of your tone (but I doubt anyone would) you can completely re-configure the amp and wind up with four totally different-sounding channels.

I understand a lot of people really like simplicity, hence the appeal of all the Dr. Z amps with two friggin knobs labeled quot;Volumequot; and quot;tone.quot; That's cool, but for me simplicity means not having to manage 30 different stomp boxes on the floor - now I can get all the tones I need from my amp.

Try a Hamp;K Triamp if you need that kind of versatility....many more usable tones IMO, and it can easily get just as brutal and just as clean

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