I really want to get rid of the ABR-1 on my Classic. I don't know why they use they design anymore. It's junk I tell you! Can I have my tech drill out the current ABR-1 holes and just plop the new posts in, or is there a different spacing (I don't feel like unstringing my two guitars to find out). I'm getting some TonePros for it so I want to know before I buy.
The spacing is the tinyest difference. 2 29/32 for the ABR vs. 2 15/16. I am not sure of the busing size but, I think the nashville might be a tad larger and require drilling a bit. The sapcing is just the littlest bit of difference, I personally wouldnt worry.
The Nashville posts have a wider base, so the holes would have to be drilled out.
Stewmac offers conversion posts. I just installed a set to take my standard from Nashville to ABR. Larger stud threads and a smaller top post to accomidate the ABR. They have the reverse I am sure.
The ABR, IMO, has much more vintage flavor and clarity. My Nashville had rattles in the screws and saddles that I could not get rid of. I went with the Tone Pros AVRII, which is their version of the ABR-1. Couldn't be happier. Maybe consider that as an option....no changing studs or conversion posts.
- May 04 Tue 2010 20:58
From ABR to Nashville