Hi, I have a wiring requirement not listed on the website, and I didn't see my pickup in any listing anyways.
It's very simple - I have a S.D. classic stack stacked humbucker, single size as you know.
I believe the Wiring includes white, black, red, green, and uncoated.
My setup is simple - I want this pickup, and this one only - to connect DIRECTLY to the input jack of the guitar. No volume, no tone. I may have to add a capacitor later.
So, can anyone help me match color to spot on input jack? I'd like to go with the standard humbucking setup which I believe loops the white and black.
Solder the Black to the output jack
solder the white and red together, and tape them off
ground the green and bare wires.
Rock On
Welcome to the Forum.
Kac is correct.
Just want to add, since you aren't going to use a volume or tone control, the only quot;groundquot; is also the output jack.
Black wire goes to the red arrows, green and bare go to the green arrows.
Edit: Just solder to the lugs. That pic is from another post.
Ok - A couple of questions, as I am new to this.
1. The bare wire on the pickup is cut way shorter than the rest. in my previous setup it was simply taped off and not attached anywhere. Is this ok to keep it this way, otherwise I will have to extend it?2. Also in the previous setup, it was the black and white wires that were looped and taped off. Is this a different way to setup this pickup? If so, what is the difference?3. Can you do me a big favor and tell me exactly - on the diagram picture above - where the wires go? I am a bit confused due to the arrows. The black wire would go to one or both of the small metal tips? and the green goes to the large tip?4. Also, I have a black wire going from the bridge (near the springs), this is for the ground. So which wires does this connect to, or should this go onto the input jack somewhere to ground it?
thanks - try to s p e l l it out for me - for some reason wiring diagrams confuse me, whereas other diagrams help me!
thanks guys!
for the 'ground' wires
you are going to solder the green and bare wires to the little tab where the green arrow points ... you are also going to solder the wire from the bridge to that point too ... note: if any of these 'ground' wires dont reach the tab on the jack, you can attach a new wire to the tab on the jack and then attach all the 'ground wires' to the other end of this new wire ... all this does is simply extend the reach of the tab to where you need it ... and yes, you need to connect the bare wire for best performancefor the 'signal' wire
you will solder the black pickup wire to the tab with the red arrow pointing to it - same deal with the 'extender' wire if necessary
and yes, solder the red and white together, then use some electrical tape or shrinkwrap tube to insulate this connectionthe color code differs from manufacturer to manufacturer .. it is not standard ... the colors that i and others (above) have used are the SD color code ... dont worry that it doesnt match the colors of the old pickup ...
hope this helps
Hey I am about to try this - just putting wires together first, without soldering.
one last question.
on the new jack I just bought the larger of the two metal tabs (a mono jack) is the one on the outside of the ring, touching the threaded metal.
the smaller is the one on the i nside, going into the jack through thecenter back.
the above pic has the opposite, the small ones appear to go to the outside, and the big one goes down through center.
any change, or does the black still go to the larger tab, and the green and bare still go the smaller one?
thanks a million
You know - I went to projectguitar.com and they told me to do it a completely diff. way
i did it, and guess what - no sound at all. those guys don't know there stuff well.
Here is a diagram showing what I have so far.
Here's the problem.
1. At rest, there is a lot of buzz, very loud
2. When I touch the strings, it increases
3. When I touch the jack, both of the above decrease, but are still present.Before, the old setup on this pickup was the same, but without the quot;barequot; wire from the pickup going anywhere. When I remove that from the mix, the buzz is less, and touching the jack solves the problem more, although it is still not as good as it was before.
I have checked all wires and they're in place well, and taped well too. What do you recommend I change?
You may already have done this, but you want to make sure that your quot;groundquot; wire, (blue line in your diagram), goes to whichever lug is connected to the threaded portion of the output jack. Thats the ground.
I had that confused - sometimes the big lug is the ground and sometimes not so I was confused.
Now I can turn my amp to 10 and still get 100% no noise from this pickup, like it was before, perhaps better.
thanks a million you guys!
Ok guys.
So, the wires to my pickup fell off at the pickup. They were lightly soldered and not well done for lots of movement.
So I am trying to get them to go back on. The problem is, I solder them to those small little eyelets on the front - but I get no signal. When I wiggle them around a bit sometimes they work.
So - What's the proper way to do this, get them connected well? I don't wanna melt off all that stuff, because then I might need to replace the whole pickup.
Tips anyone?
Anyone have an Idea? ArtieToo, where are ya!
The only diagram I have seen - shows where the coil wrapped wires comes off the coil to wrap around the eyelet.
the problem is, on a S.D. quot;classic stackquot; there is no eyelet in the eyelet hole - all there is is metal filler, and I do not see a coil wire going to it. My guess is it runs through the inside in a hole.
So, should I melt out the metal in the hole, and find the wire to connect it - or is there another way to do it?
I suppose I could refill the hole - but I don't wanna screw this up!
Any ideas - where'd everyone go?
Am trying to revive this post for those that have STK-S1 in the middle of two humbuckers. Do you have a diagram?
- Sep 10 Fri 2010 21:00
Wiring for my set-up