need a bit of help here... i've been searching for a perfected humbucker config for myself and i've pretty much come to the conclusion of a 59n and a c5b... im really into the rock and blues. thinking of the c5 for the nice distorted rhythms, and hotter leads whereas the 59 will provde the cleans and warm leads i'll need. any other suggestions?. ive read the JB and Jazz are a good combo. any specific genres of music that they r specialised in. how abt the peraly gates?.
- Sep 10 Fri 2010 21:00
humbucker les pauls... suggestions??
- Sep 10 Fri 2010 21:00
Roland Cube 30/60
What's up guys, can you guys tell me a little more about the RC30/60 before I go out and buy it? If possible, sound clips would be nice!
- Sep 10 Fri 2010 21:00
WANTED: Mexican Telecaster
I am looking to buy in the next couple of weeks a Mex Tele in either the white color or a sunburst. That's really the only 2 options that I like. I need one in fairly good condition for a little project I've been cooking up. If you have one of these that you are willing to sell, please e-mail me at Thanks.
- Sep 10 Fri 2010 21:00
Bends FUZZ out!? Help!
Frets 10-13 on the B string.
- Sep 10 Fri 2010 21:00
help guys
i posted my problem 2 days ago and nobody replied,i hope this time someone help its a big problem for me,i will tell it this time in another way,simply how can the guitar be noisy when you put the switch in posesion and not in athor posesion,in a 3 way switching selector the noise in 1 and 3 its desapearing in the middle ,is there a special grounding way in this kind of switches??
every wire in the guitar soldered in perfect way and the dc resistance of the pickups is right when measured 10 for screaming demon and 7,3 for the pearly gates neck posesion.please someone tell me whats going on,it not a very big noise its acceptable but its must not be .cause its wasnt with the old pickups.
- Sep 10 Fri 2010 21:00
Pickup's are in, project is done..........
Well, my project is finally done. When I got this SG Jr, the body was pretty sound, all the rest was a nightmare. The person before me install an extra pup in the neck, another volume/tone control, and a 3 way switch. It had mixed matched pots, caps, knobs, and he butchered up the original pickguard. With a few phone calls to WD Music Products, we came up with the original pickguard style, and added the cavity hole for the neck pup, and the 3 way switch. Tearing it down to the body, I left the original finish on, has a few web cracks, but thats ok. I put on new Grover tuners, installed new pots, caps, speed knobs, pup rings, 3 way switch, screws, jack, Badass bridge, pup's, quot;59 in the neck, Custom-5 in the bridge. Also had the fretboard refinished and installed a brass nut. Thanks to everyone's help on this site, here is the finish product. It plays like a dream, I couldn't have done it without all your help. You were all right on the money with these pup's, this guitar really screams, thanks again!
- Sep 10 Fri 2010 21:00
Heritage Millenium H-158
So, I've been talking with Jay at Wolfe Guitars about a Heritage Millenium H-158.
- Sep 10 Fri 2010 21:00
Mustang/Strat compatability...
Well my girlfriend just got her relic'd (or just beat to hell and back, one of those) 66 mustang body and we're dying to try it out. She's gonna get a neck from Warmoth soon but until then, would the neck from her Squier Affinity Strat work? I think i've heard stories of terrible intonation problems but i'm not sure.
- Sep 10 Fri 2010 21:00
avenged sevenfold tone
can anyone tell me what kind of gear avenged sevenfold uses on their new album? because it sounds killer
- Sep 10 Fri 2010 21:00
to those who were playing in the 70's
Im sure that Fender and Marshall amps and Fender and Gibson have always been mainstays of rock music, but in the 70's what were some other brands being played a fair amound, both guitars and amps, hell...even fx. I mean the ones that dies off by the 80's and the ones that might still be going strong today...