i should have posted this a long time ago, i just forgot i had this. ive had a sd hotrails bridge strat p'up for a long time. it shipped with the lead wire barely on, and then it just fell off. can this be salvaged? or could i ship it to sd and can the fix it?
- Sep 10 Fri 2010 21:00
sd strat hotrails bridge salvageable?
- Sep 10 Fri 2010 21:00
Don't do this to your LP Std Plus (no pic) Advice?
I was up late jamming many months ago, and went to bed leaving my tasty LP Std Plus honeyburst in its stand. It was a chilly night, the guitar was in a metal stand with thin rubber coating, and the stand was near a heating vent. The warm air heated the metal stand, and part of the guitar resting on it. The cool air contrasting the warm areas produced semi-circle rings around where the stand had been ( Ouch ! ). Being semi-vain, I'm thinking I may get a pro refin. Is this the best path in terms of keeping any remaing value in the guitar ( if any ) ? I can chose a killer custom color as a silver lining.
- Sep 10 Fri 2010 21:00
Enter Sandman
hey guys i had the urge to record this lovely classic...hopefully tomorrow or so i can record the vocals for fun...u know just puttin on my best growl and goin at it. but until then tell me what u think...i added my little spin on the end a little...nothin special...very hammet actually lol
- Sep 10 Fri 2010 21:00
FOR REAL NOW...Strat Body For sale..pics
1999 MIM Strat, purple, white pearl single hum PG. Has a Dimarzio Air Zone and a 250k Vol with a coil tap setup. Comes with plate and screws. Basically its perfect...no dings or anything, very clean.
- Sep 10 Fri 2010 21:00
El Diablo?! How much like the Demon?
Theres a pickup in the Custom Shop called El Diablo, according to Scott Ian, its a Screamin' Demon wound a bit hotter and will rails instead of poles. How much hotter is it? What affect does the rails have on the tone? makes it have more presence maybe? I dunno ive never had a guitar with a pickup that used rails. Anyways, how different do they sound and feel etc.? Anyone know?
- Sep 10 Fri 2010 21:00
Holy What The Hell Is THAT, Batman?
Good Lord! Anyone wanna take some guesses as to what THOSE pickups sound like? from : localhost/cgi.ebay.com/BIZARRE-VINTAGE-...QQcmdZViewItem
- Sep 10 Fri 2010 21:00
feast your eyes on THIS! splawn pix
sweet! i hope you play that so hard that those little guys fall off of there rather quickly
- Sep 10 Fri 2010 21:00
Were do I ground out to? Help please, project ground to a halt about an hour ago
I have the archtop listed below. I have no place to groud out, other than the back of a pot, any particular one: volume, or tone?
- Sep 10 Fri 2010 21:00
Feedback please
Here is some of the stuff I've been working on. All of the songs are works in progress. I would appreciate any opinions. A lot of the rhythm was done with a Les Paul Deluxe and the leads were tone with an Ibanez RG 1570.