
sweet! i hope you play that so hard that those little guys fall off of there rather quickly

Originally Posted by nahfutensweet! i hope you play that so hard that those little guys fall off of there rather quickly

that won't be a thumps like a mofo! =D I didn't even have it turned up that loud and **** on the shelves were shaking =)

Very nice...I love the clear front panel.


thanks =) I haven't made any clips recording setup blows too =( but I'll make some soon...just don't judge them too have a pc mic!

Very cool, the clear front looks great. I'm also a big splawn fan and have had my purple quick rod for about a month. Sounds great even at low volumes but cranked a bit it's thump city. Send that hulk a flyin'!

Very nice! -same look as the soldano I'm getting.

Super sweet !

Love the clear panel....shoulda got salt amp; pepper on the grille....but it looks awesome!

Nice amp! Looks like a real Marshall-eater! I noticed your master volumes are low.
I'm pretty sure you could turn your sheetrock walls into baby powder, if you whack that thing up to 7. haha

I want the ESP.

Originally Posted by GearjoneserNice amp! Looks like a real Marshall-eater! I noticed your master volumes are low.
I'm pretty sure you could turn your sheetrock walls into baby powder, if you whack that thing up to 7. haha

I cranked mine to 6 without an attenuator amp; it scared me!!!!

Hey 'bout the LEDs on the footswitch? Friggin' blinding, aren't they?

must buy quick rod...must buy quick rod...must buy quick rod.

so, how is it in 3rd gear with the gain cranked? are we talking balls to the walls metal tone make marshalls and mesas run for the hills due to great high gain tone or what??


I'll just reply to all at

MIKEF--it does sound good at low volumes! something I was concerned about...gotta have something that works in the bedroom and at gigs =D

HOT GRITS--I kinda had a soldano in mind when I was workin' up the scheme..not just imagine if I got snakeskin...hahaha...

PUCKBOY--funny you should mention the grill..I DID order the salt and pepper cloth...I had a funny feeling this wasn't it...could just be the ****ty cam, but I doubt it..oh well, I really like this one too...I think this might be brown sugar? oh well, I'm not going to fret about it...I think it still matches the head well

and yes, you could land a plane on the footpedals LEDs..LMAO

GEARJONESER--yeah, they're low..the dog was in the room and I didn't wanna destroy her (or my hearing)..but tell ya what...I had it at about between 7 and 8 o'clock and **** was rattling all over the room..haha

ERIKH--no Haji for you! lmao

XXSIVE--you NEED one, don't walk, to the phone and get one now =D

the gain on this amp is can turn it up all the way and it won't flub out on you...I've mostly been messin' with second gear cause that's more than enough balls and chunk for me..BUT, I did put it on third gear and dropped my guitar to D and started playing we die young...CRUSHING...

I want one of those so bad. How are the cleans....really. Scott's shop is only a half hour away from me, and I got a tour of the production facility while I was there. Top notch work going on.

He's usually so backed up on amps that there aren't many models around to play.

No man, the cab looks great....just looks tan in the long as it rocks, f*ck all that!

Yeah, I thought the gain stayed very flubbiness at all. The cleans weren't Fender/Hiwatt pristine...more like a better Marshall bluesy clean, which I like myself. Mine had the older shared EQ, which was a slight problem...finding a common ground was a little tough..., but cleans aren't what these amps are for

Glad ya' love it Bro!!!

I liked mine too, but it was WAY more amp than I needed, 1/2 powerswitch or not!

Originally Posted by Jeff_HI want one of those so bad. How are the cleans....really. Scott's shop is only a half hour away from me, and I got a tour of the production facility while I was there. Top notch work going on.

He's usually so backed up on amps that there aren't many models around to play.

cleans aren't all that just gotta roll off the guitar's volume a bit..bu tit's cool that you can get some hair on it by goin' full steam ahead =D you're lucky get to try one out if he's got it in stock! I was flyin'

Originally Posted by PUCKBOY99No man, the cab looks great....just looks tan in the long as it rocks, f*ck all that!

Yeah, I thought the gain stayed very flubbiness at all. The cleans weren't Fender/Hiwatt pristine...more like a better Marshall bluesy clean, which I like myself. Mine had the older shared EQ, which was a slight problem...finding a common ground was a little tough..., but cleans aren't what these amps are for

Glad ya' love it Bro!!!
I liked mine too, but it was WAY more amp than I needed, 1/2 powerswitch or not!

you know what it is...I ordered salt and pepper cloth and I got upgraded to the basket weave! I knew it wasn't another color, but it didn't look like the one on the think the camera resoltion was frackin' it all up =D

I can understand that....I'll be giggin' out so I wanted something that would sound REALLY good no matter what...that and it's the last major purchase I can really ever make if we're gonna be havin' kids..lmao

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