Good Lord! Anyone wanna take some guesses as to what THOSE pickups sound like? from : localhost/
Hard to imagine they were designed from a purely sonic point of view...
Looks cool, I'd get one. Wouldn't know about the sound. I'd bear in mind some V's were made with similar pups (altough those were simetrical unlike this one). You just have to figure if their famous for their sound or just for their uniqueness.
I would think they would sound like crap, just cause im pretty7 sure they made this guitar for the look of it not the sound.
i want one!
well, there is one way to make sure nobody is going to replace your pickups without routing
I'd buy a guitar like that, for sure, as I kinda like wierdo insturments, but I wouldn't pay $800 for it. Instruments like that need to come in at under $200 for me to grab them.
frickin sweet!
- Sep 10 Fri 2010 21:00
Holy What The Hell Is THAT, Batman?