I have a JB (4-cond), and a '59 (2-cond)..

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Women and children run and hide b/c in about two weeks a twin to this sucker is going to be in my home...just got off the phone with Splawn ordering it all...
-Engl Powerball head

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Clean out your PM box!

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I am sure this has been on here before, but does anyone have one of these?
® Signature Esquire®

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i would hope this is an easy question.who makes a good a/b/y switch? nothing fancy.i'm more about quality. my guitarist said to check out Morleys? is there anything i should stay away from ? as always all feedback/responses are appreciated.thanx.

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I'm working on the new custom headstock logo for my Fender Tele which is having the headstock refinished and since i don't have it here i can't measure this for myself...so can a MIA fender tele owner do me a HUGE favor and measure these 4 things for me...and before anyone asks, yes it is a real fender tele that it's going on not a warmoth or other (i know some people get pissy about that) and it's a custom logo anyway, i just want to get the specs/scale correct for it. thanks for any help!these are the measurements i need...

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hey guys, I've got this problem with my amp humming when I'm not playing. Heres the deal: when I hold my guitar and mute the strings while facing a one corner of my room there is little to no hum at all, but when I turn slightly to the left or right, I get this huge background hum thats being picked up by the pickups. And its not just one guitar either. Is this 60 cycle hum, or is this completely normal? I've got it in my head that a power conditioner would get rid of this, but I don't want to go spend $100 on something that might not even do that.
any help would be greatly appreciated!

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Has anyone installed one of these nuts? Looks fairly easy.

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quot;Hi John!
Just wanted to pass a quick note along to ya to say how much I love that Vox wah you modded. The expressions I'm hearing out of that pedal are phenominal. By far my fav wah of the 3 I have.

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First up is the EMG pickguard

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