
hey guys, I've got this problem with my amp humming when I'm not playing. Heres the deal: when I hold my guitar and mute the strings while facing a one corner of my room there is little to no hum at all, but when I turn slightly to the left or right, I get this huge background hum thats being picked up by the pickups. And its not just one guitar either. Is this 60 cycle hum, or is this completely normal? I've got it in my head that a power conditioner would get rid of this, but I don't want to go spend $100 on something that might not even do that.
any help would be greatly appreciated!

Hey, some people love that sound!

First thing to do- check that all your gear is fully earthed (guitar/leads/amps).

Everything is grounded, I run a pretty simple set up, Guitar -gt; Wah (sometimes) -gt; Amp. I only have guitars with humbuckers too. I'm pretty sure its from the pickups picking up external noises, since I can turn the guitar down, and the hum goes away.

I know that I get a big hum when I play my rig in my study at home.

Theres 2 computers and a TV in there, and the hum is relative to my positioning in the room.
Although, there is no hum for me when I play at a decent venue.

I have had hum come from flourescent lights around the building I've done gigs in also!
If its not that sorta stuff, it could be dirty power.

Did you try various cables yet? The hum could be from a cable or another cable could possible reduce the hum.

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