quot;Hi John!
Just wanted to pass a quick note along to ya to say how much I love that Vox wah you modded. The expressions I'm hearing out of that pedal are phenominal. By far my fav wah of the 3 I have.
Your wah is too nice, buddy....I can get anything from Hendrix to Clapton to Satriani, it's so versatile. I've found some nice manual setings on my POD that allow me to get better tastes of what the wah can do.
I'll let you know if I get a wild hair and send that other Vox your way.
Take care brother!
Bobby....Glad to like your wah alot....May it bring you many years of great wah tones brother!
Bump....Will work your wahs for food! LOL
Originally Posted by STRATDELUXER97Bump....Will work your wahs for food! LOL
Originally Posted by Stratcat
Liked that huh buddy? Millions of comedians starving and then I try to make a few people laugh...
The V847 is a great platform. Just making it true bypass and adjusting the treadle location to taste is all of the mod I would ever need on it.
Was it vox or the crybaby's that recently went circuit board making it damn near impossible to go true bypass with it?
Originally Posted by TheArchitectThe V847 is a great platform. Just making it true bypass and adjusting the treadle location to taste is all of the mod I would ever need on it.
Was it vox or the crybaby's that recently went circuit board making it damn near impossible to go true bypass with it?
The 847 needs a better inductor and pot and I always add alot of extra tweakability by adding internal and externally mounted pots for Q,Gain,Mids,and Unity Gain..I also upgrade all board components and add a buffered power supply....It's a pretty involved job...
The new Dunlop Cry Babys have the pain in the a$$ boards to work on...I hate working on newer Cry Babys...The Dunlop Vox wahs don't have it that way though..
I've put my modded wahs up there with the very best wahs being made today....
Contact me if you need to see pictures of a modded 847,848,Crybaby etc...I want to keep the quot;wah trollsquot; off my back...
Very nice looking work there, Stratdeluxer97.
Originally Posted by STRATDELUXER97quot;Hi John!
Just wanted to pass a quick note along to ya to say how much I love that Vox wah you modded. The expressions I'm hearing out of that pedal are phenominal. By far my fav wah of the 3 I have. I might send you my other Vox just to have some stuff cleaned up and/or simplified. What I mean by that is that when another modder did his mods to this pedal, he stacked a lot of resistors and caps on top of each other to the point that I think it's the cause of so much radio-wave noise I pick up frequently plus inner line-noise as well. If it was tidied up in there I think it would sound much better. It'd be great if it was as noiseless as the Vox you did.
It needs a little work to fine tune the tone a little, IMO.
Your wah is too nice, buddy....I can get anything from Hendrix to Clapton to Satriani, it's so versatile. I've found some nice manual setings on my POD that allow me to get better tastes of what the wah can do.
I'll let you know if I get a wild hair and send that other Vox your way.
Take care brother!
Bobby....Glad to like your wah alot....May it bring you many years of great wah tones brother!
I just wanted to chime in to say that the quot;otherquot; modded Vox I have isn't as cluttered as my quote above may indicate. I even stuffed a few mods in there myself, and it's still a cool wah-pedal....my fav until getting John's. It just needs a little fine-tuning to get it a little closer to how John's wah sounds.
What John did to this new one (actually bought it used) gave it the ability to produce pure 60's and early 70's wah modulation. And when he adds the extra controls for dialing in the pedal with whatever amp or module you're using it through. Very sweet, very vocal, can be real honery if you want it to be.
Great pedal!!
How much do you charge.
Crap you in Florida.
Originally Posted by CrispyHow much do you charge.
Crap you in Florida.John won't talk $$$ on the forum, he will ask you to PM him so I will save him the time, and I will also tell you that John's work is KILLER!
Originally Posted by the guy who invented fireJohn won't talk $$$ on the forum, he will ask you to PM him so I will save him the time, and I will also tell you that John's work is KILLER!
Thanks brother...Some of you just know me too well...
Can you really squeeze a 12ax7 into a tube screamer? That could be really interesting!
I don't need anything modded right yet......but I'm gettin the urge!
Originally Posted by 9fingerCan you really squeeze a 12ax7 into a tube screamer? That could be really interesting!
I don't need anything modded right yet......but I'm gettin the urge!
I think the glass would break,but you could get the tube in there....Just contact me if I can help you brother...
- Sep 10 Fri 2010 21:00
Reviews On The Vox 847 I Modded For Midnite Man!