
I was up late jamming many months ago, and went to bed leaving my tasty LP Std Plus honeyburst in its stand. It was a chilly night, the guitar was in a metal stand with thin rubber coating, and the stand was near a heating vent. The warm air heated the metal stand, and part of the guitar resting on it. The cool air contrasting the warm areas produced semi-circle rings around where the stand had been ( Ouch ! ). Being semi-vain, I'm thinking I may get a pro refin. Is this the best path in terms of keeping any remaing value in the guitar ( if any ) ? I can chose a killer custom color as a silver lining.

personally, i would keep the original finish.. refins always look glaringly 'new' to me, no matter hold old they are..

any pics? it might be bad enough to refin, i dunno hehe

Photo is on the way. Still working on my import skills. How do I do it as an attachment ?

when you go into the 'post reply' (not quick reply, go advanced), itll have 'manage attachments' at the bottom.. click on that, and upload the photo


I would'nt refinsh the guitar. A few marks are only signs that the guitar is getting used. I like them better that way.

I'm having tech problems with my camera / uploads, so you will just have to take my word for it. Now that I am looking at it more closely, I see that the effect has lessened with time. Thanks for the advice. I think I will leave it as is. When I am big star, people will recognize me by the quirky finish on my LP.

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