hey guys i had the urge to record this lovely classic...hopefully tomorrow or so i can record the vocals for fun...u know just puttin on my best growl and goin at it. but until then tell me what u think...i added my little spin on the end a little...nothin special...very hammet actually lol
Enter Sandman
It sounded sweet! I really like the thing on the end you added. It complimented it well. The only thing I heard that might need to be adjusted a little is your gate. It sounds like it is cutting a lot of your sustain out, and not allowing your last notes to ring out. That is me just being critical though. What did you use to record it? It's a nice clean recording. Like I said, sweet job dude!
hey pretty good ...what did you use?
Nice playing.. the only thing is that the lead seems to be somehow cutting in out of nowhere... know what I mean? It doesn't come in smoothly...
i used my guitar port, , the little lead things in there do cut in and out quickly, i didn't really let them sustain like i should have, the noise gate i actually just changed yesturday cause i finally got a noise suppressor for my amp, so i changed the settings to Threshold at 5 and no decay...but yea the entire recording was a backtrack and my guitarport
The beginning was a little shakey but as soon as the beat dropped you got into the groove.
Great stuff! The solo was great!
thanks, yeah the backtrack had another guitarist in the beggining and it was really throwin me off, idk why, i've always played it as one guitarist for the intro..but thanks for the feedback, im gonna try and post some original stuff i've been working on soon, just little clips and riffs
Pretty good man keep it up!
I liked that, agree with the stuff said about the notes ending a bit early, also i find the guitar ports tones to sound a bit artificial, but those weren't too bad, overall a pretty good recording i think, well done.
- Sep 10 Fri 2010 21:00
Enter Sandman