i should have posted this a long time ago, i just forgot i had this. ive had a sd hotrails bridge strat p'up for a long time. it shipped with the lead wire barely on, and then it just fell off. can this be salvaged? or could i ship it to sd and can the fix it?
I believe this should be a fairly easy fix . . . if you feel fairly competent at soldering. You would just strip back some insultaion on the old wire, (or new replacement), tin it, and touch it and the tip of the iron to the little hole where it came unattached.
Obviously, SD would be the ultimate repair facility.
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photos of it. it sounds easy enough, but it came off right at that hole, which might make it difficult. i was thinking just to remove all four cables from that big hole and use the holes that are spread farther apart, it would be more messy but easier to work with. idk how this would affect the ground though, because the ground looks like it just runs right over that hole into the cable. that might be hard to see in the pic.
Boy . . . thats pretty bizarre. I thought you meant one wire came unsoldered from the base, but thats the whole 5-conductor cable thats been sheared off. Something had to do that. That cable wouldn't have just fallen off.
Anyway, if it was me, I'd remove whats left of those four wires, and ground, and completely reattach the new cable. Be sure to make a nice diagram first, showing where each color goes.
And again, you want your soldering skills to be up to snuff before attempting this. If you aren't sure, perhaps send it back to SD. (Or, get a tech.)
Do you still have the original cable?
i did have the original cable, but now i cant find it i thought i put it in the box but i guess not. i saw a four conductor cable on stewmac but now i dont see it anymore.
GuitarElectronics carries it also.
ok thanks
does anyone know if guitar center or sam ash sell four conductor cables? i highly doubt it, but ill probably make a pilgrimage there this week for no apparent reason. also, if i send it back to sd does anyone know what the repair cost is? thanks
from : localhost/community.webshots.com/album/392847216VCOnmu
i added new pics. i took out the wires from that hole so i can work with them when i get the four conductor cable. what do i do with that ground on the base of the p'up? its kind of just chillin there.
find a hardware store that sells burglar alarm cable - i got 6 conductor and whipped one out.. any multicore cable would do the job (sheilded is a bonus)..
and artie is right - you need to be patient and do everything gradually - there's nothing worse than having to redo it later! heatshrink tubing will help you for this job, since it stops the joints touching and messing up the circuit..
from : localhost/community.webshots.com/album/392847216VCOnmu
i got it workin! i got the heatshrink tubing from radio shack, along with the solder, and the dimarzio had a 4 conductor already so i cheated and used that all thanks to the coldheat! its such a great soldering iron, definitely worth it. i love the way the hotrails sound. it gives a nice boost in the bridge. im really happy i got this working!
its a lovely feeling when you get something you didnt have before without having to change too much
are the wiring colours still the same? that might cause some shenanigins later if you wanna tap it or anything...
- Sep 10 Fri 2010 21:00
sd strat hotrails bridge salvageable?