Well, my project is finally done. When I got this SG Jr, the body was pretty sound, all the rest was a nightmare. The person before me install an extra pup in the neck, another volume/tone control, and a 3 way switch. It had mixed matched pots, caps, knobs, and he butchered up the original pickguard. With a few phone calls to WD Music Products, we came up with the original pickguard style, and added the cavity hole for the neck pup, and the 3 way switch. Tearing it down to the body, I left the original finish on, has a few web cracks, but thats ok. I put on new Grover tuners, installed new pots, caps, speed knobs, pup rings, 3 way switch, screws, jack, Badass bridge, pup's, quot;59 in the neck, Custom-5 in the bridge. Also had the fretboard refinished and installed a brass nut. Thanks to everyone's help on this site, here is the finish product. It plays like a dream, I couldn't have done it without all your help. You were all right on the money with these pup's, this guitar really screams, thanks again!
from : localhost/members.aol.com/mwgrant129/halfguitar.jpg
from : localhost/members.aol.com/mwgrant129/fullguitar.jpg
Holy cow! It looks very good! Awesome job, enjoy playing it.
It does look nice! Great job! What is the chome below the tailpice? I assume it had an alternate bridge you were correcting.
Looks great! I love those SGs with the wrap bridge. You've got a tone monster there!
Nice work! Good job!
very pretty!
- Sep 10 Fri 2010 21:00
Pickup's are in, project is done..........