目前分類:title (3013)

瀏覽方式: 標題列表 簡短摘要

I would like to use a function to create a sumamry sheet from a number of
worksheets in a work book.

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I have an array formula that is supposed to return a list of the unique
items from another range (I6D in this case). The Array Formula is as

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I am wondering about the integration between Excel and an Oracle database.

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Is there a way to create a macro that will search a section of a worksheet
and delete rows that have a zero in the leading cell?

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Trying to calculate change % with a couple criteria. Here's what I'm doing...
Column a (labels) easy--data input

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I greatly appreciate you have created a bracket in excel; I only offer the
suggestion because many people will get frustrated once they learned their

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friend sent cd with spreadsheet data using office 2003 excel and I need to
load it to my (c on xp 2002 excel How do I get this done

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Is it possible to create a tool bar on a particular sheet ,with all sheet
names next to this particular sheet.whenever I open that particular sheet

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I want to be able to save the excel workbook file name with each worksheet
within the workbook per tab name respectively, can this be done?

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I have a bunch of percentages that are on a 100% scale, but i need to create
a formula in excel that would scale it down to a 60% scale.

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Have worksheet with 120 fields that each have a comment in top row of 4
header rows. Comments contain definitions and/or lists of values for each

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I would like to convert cells with degrees at 'Minutes' format. such as 43°
22', to decimal format such as 43.367.

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I want to separate names, example, Doe, John D., that are entered in one cell.
How to separate them into 2 or 3 cells?

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I have two columns: Col A contains part numbers, some of which are the

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Hi everybody,

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The 65,000 record limit in Excel is archaic. Works fine for business, but
the scientific community is shackled with this 1980's artifact from 640K DOS

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