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瀏覽方式: 標題列表 簡短摘要

Does anyone have an opinion on the currently best chart plotting
software for layout/publishing? We need to produce lots of

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It'S Just My 2-Cent'S Worth, But I Think
Excel'S Proper() Function Does A Bad Job With Its

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I have created a validation drop down list, when I go to pick items from the
list, why does it not show the 1st name on the lsit, sometines the list sohws

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I have a apreadsheet with numeric values in Column E. These numeric values
are matchted with descriptions in sheet 2, where unique numeriv values are in

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I am trying to use the Data Table function, and the outputs are all the same
value even though the variables are changing. I succesfully use data tables

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I have a table with names on the top and numbers down the side

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An Excel 2003 SP1 spreadsheet has a Style in it named
=C:\WINNT35\SYSTEM32\COMMAND.COM. This Style is can not be deleted. If you

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I want to know if excel can underline misspelled words like Word? If not is
there any way to turn off autocorrect and hightlight misspelled words in

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I have two long columns of digits and need to identify same-row nonequal
pairs. How can this be done?

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I have a worksheet that has many spaces with data inserted. Some are pull
down menus. I made a macro button that will clear all the data, except it

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I am trying to set up a chore chart for my teenagers. I am looking for a
schedule of household chores..... i.e. do dishes, take out trash on a daily

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I have two spread sheets with exact numbers (dollars) in both, but I get
different sums. The difference is $1.04.

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Hi all,

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I recently (5/1) downloaded an important spreadsheet, however I

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Hi there,

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I need to import some stuff up to a SQL DB. The problem is that the

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