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瀏覽方式: 標題列表 簡短摘要

I need to transpose some information from a workbook to a new workbook,

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Ok - heres what we have:

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Is there a function that will allow me to round up to the nearest 10, i.e.
214 would be 220, 253 would become 260.

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I have files which are output from Access to Excel using the Transfer
Spreadsheet facilty in Access. If I don't delete the previous version of the

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I am trying to copy a text from a webpage into excel. The problem is that
some of the things I am trying to copy are numbers like 16-1 excel then

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Need assistance on how to use the double strikethrough effect in Excel 2003.
I work in Excel preparing spreadsheets and to indicate the currency in use in

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I have a large spreadsheet with, among other columns, a column for PO number
and another for item number. I need to determine the number of unique PO's

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i am getting a loan of Rs10000/- @ 10% pa with monthly rests and the

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Need a formula that will calulate column F*A, but only if column F contains a
number and not text.

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Is it posible to scan A form from scaner as image or what ever work, so I can
use this form again on my PC and be able to fil form, does any program help

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I have a large spreadsheet with multiple columns and rows. I want a report
that lists totals and/or counts occurances when criteria is met in multiple

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Liebe Kollegen,
ich bin neu in dieser Gruppe und möchte mich mal vorstellen.

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I was sent an excel book and there 10 columns, 15 rows of checkbox
data. In each of these cells there are mutiple check boxes. How in the

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Hi All

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Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2006 12:51 am Post subject: Adding same cells

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I have dates in an access database represented as 1/1/1900. When I generate
a table query and cut and paste the data from the access query into excel the

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Can excel read data from a text file.??

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