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For ex: if the Value in the Cell is quot;3456quot; i want to change that to quot;23456quot;.
Similarly every cell should be prefixed with quot;2quot;

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I'm curious if anyone knows if it's possible to feed a bunch of random cells
into an array, and as those cells are populated (regardless of which gets a

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Thanks for taking the time to read my quesiton.

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I have a question that I hope will be fairly simple. I have a shared
workbook on a public drive that several people change. There is a password

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When having many worksheets open or even if I combine the worksheets into
one...can you search to have all the common results show up in a separate

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I have added a macro that will copy a piece of word art and assigned it to a
control button and paste it over a employee on a daily timesheet. I use this

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Here's my predicament. I have an application for medical insurance that I
need each employee of a company to fill out. I have basic data that I can

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I have Excel 2002 and would like to link 2 columns across 2 workbooks. I
know how to link the cells across workbooks one at a time, but I am wondering

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I am looking for VBA code to look in the “master” sheet and find all the “A”
s in a column.

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I need a solution for one of the problem in excel. I will let u understand my
problme with an example

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Does anyone know how to create one named reference across multiple

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Dear experts,
I have a long list of students and assessment item results. The last column

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i want to create an excel sheet where by i can get the inventory pre
calculated by just changing one or two data cells

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In Excel 2003, you can find data quot;within sheetquot; or quot;within workbookquot; when you
press Ctrl-F, then quot;Optionsquot; button. How can I made quot;within workbookquot; the

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How do I reformat a group of numbers like 203.00 to 203-00?

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When copying a chart or graph, it doesn't keep the size of the original chart
or graph (length/height). How can I keep all of the charts-graphs the same

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Hello Everyone,

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I have a column of Mexican city and state names in column A. The Mexican
state names are of a variable length. What I would like to do is have a

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I would like to reference an IF formula to a specific cell. Similar to how a
VLOOKUP references a certain cell. Is this possible? I tried this;

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