
It'S Just My 2-Cent'S Worth, But I Think
Excel'S Proper() Function Does A Bad Job With Its
Handling Of Contractions And Possessives. For A 2nD
Example, Look What It Does To 2Nd And 3Rd!

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quot;RPellessierquot; gt; wrote...
gt;It'S Just My 2-Cent'S Worth, But I Think
gt;Excel'S Proper() Function Does A Bad Job With Its
gt;Handling Of Contractions And Possessives. For A 2nD
gt;Example, Look What It Does To 2Nd And 3Rd!

There are work arounds for contractions and possessives,

=TRIM(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(PROPER(x)amp;quot; quot;,quot;'S quot;,quot;'s quot;),quot;'T quot;,quot;'t quot;))

As for ordinals, no easy fix without regular expressions, but you kinda
deserve this problem for not using Second or Third.

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