Hi, I need to add some cells together but they have both text and currency.
example quot;$30.00 USDquot; is there anyway to add them with both text and currency.
Or anyway to format them to delete the text portion. As it takes me a long
time to delete the text hand. Cheers and thanks Leah
You can transform text quot;$30.00 USDquot; to number 30.00 with this formula in a
new column, say enter in B1
=SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(A1,quot;$quot;,quot;quot;),quot; USDquot;,quot;quot;)
Then you can sum column B.
Stefi?eah.girl??ezt ?rta:
gt; Hi, I need to add some cells together but they have both text and currency.
gt; example quot;$30.00 USDquot; is there anyway to add them with both text and currency.
gt; Or anyway to format them to delete the text portion. As it takes me a long
gt; time to delete the text hand. Cheers and thanks Leah
- Sep 29 Fri 2006 20:09
changing cell values with text and currency