
Having trouble finding reviews of software that allows you to create
reports. using access database.

Access allows you to design great reports, why complicate the issue? Desigh
a query, giving you the info you want, and use this to design a report

quot;Drew Cutterquot; wrote:

gt; Having trouble finding reviews of software that allows you to create
gt; reports. using access database.

Thanks . The university i went to got rid of access for one my classes
in database. I was thinking along the lines of crystal reports.

kassie wrote:
gt; Access allows you to design great reports, why complicate the issue? Desigh
gt; a query, giving you the info you want, and use this to design a report
gt; quot;Drew Cutterquot; wrote:
gt;gt; Having trouble finding reviews of software that allows you to create
gt;gt; reports. using access database.

Sorry Drew, cannot help you with that!

quot;Drew Cutterquot; wrote:

gt; Thanks . The university i went to got rid of access for one my classes
gt; in database. I was thinking along the lines of crystal reports.
gt; kassie wrote:
gt; gt; Access allows you to design great reports, why complicate the issue? Desigh
gt; gt; a query, giving you the info you want, and use this to design a report
gt; gt;
gt; gt; quot;Drew Cutterquot; wrote:
gt; gt;
gt; gt;gt; Having trouble finding reviews of software that allows you to create
gt; gt;gt; reports. using access database.
gt; gt;gt;

crystal report is suppose to have a high learning curve. Not what the
women would go for . I guess i will have to find out what they are using
to create reports.

kassie wrote:
gt; Sorry Drew, cannot help you with that!
gt; quot;Drew Cutterquot; wrote:
gt;gt; Thanks . The university i went to got rid of access for one my classes
gt;gt; in database. I was thinking along the lines of crystal reports.
gt;gt; kassie wrote:
gt;gt;gt; Access allows you to design great reports, why complicate the issue? Desigh
gt;gt;gt; a query, giving you the info you want, and use this to design a report
gt;gt;gt; quot;Drew Cutterquot; wrote:
gt;gt;gt;gt; Having trouble finding reviews of software that allows you to create
gt;gt;gt;gt; reports. using access database.

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