I have 3 cells on a form that I need to be locked, so no one can change the
value in it. But the other boxes can be typed in. How can I lock those 3
cells only?
By default all cells are locked when the sheet is protected.
Hit CRTL A(twice if xl2003) then Formatgt;Cellsgt;Protection. Uncheck quot;lockedquot;
and OK.
Select the cells you wish to lock and Formatgt;Cellsgt;Protection. Check quot;lockedquot;
and OK.
Now Toolsgt;Protectiongt;Protect Sheet. This is mandatory!!
You can set a password to unprotect. These can easily be broken in Excel but
will keep your formulas from being accidentally overwritten.Gord Dibben Excel MVP
On Tue, 20 Dec 2005 14:14:02 -0800, quot;Lindsquot; gt;
gt;I have 3 cells on a form that I need to be locked, so no one can change the
gt;value in it. But the other boxes can be typed in. How can I lock those 3
gt;cells only?
Dear Linds:
This one's pretty easy.
All the cells on your worksheet are locked by default. The quickest way to
fix your problem is to unlock all of them. Then lock the three you want and
protect the worksheet.
Select all the cells.
--gt; There's a box between column a and row 1. Clicking on this will
select all the cells in the workbook.
Now Unlock them
--gt; Go to Format on the menu and select CELLS then PROTECTION
--gt; UNCHECK the LOCKED radio button
Select the three cells that you want to protect go through the same steps
quot;Format--gt;Cells--gt;Protection--gt;CHECK the LOCKED button.
Now all you need to do is protect the worksheet.
TOOLS--gt;Protection--gt;PROTECT SHEET
This is going to bring up a dialog box that you'll need to read before
selecting ok.
HINT: Keep your passwords simple and only 4 characters if possible. The
reason for this is in case you forget them you can recover the password with
the trial version of password recovery software. Your password is only going
to be a deterrant. Don't think that it's going to make it secure so don't
use your pin # or anything like that.
At work we use quot;beepquot; as our default. Each user has control to improve the
sheet because they know the password but having it protected keeps them from
accidentaly messing it up.
quot;Lindsquot; wrote:
gt; I have 3 cells on a form that I need to be locked, so no one can change the
gt; value in it. But the other boxes can be typed in. How can I lock those 3
gt; cells only?
- Sep 29 Fri 2006 20:09
how can I lock certain cells?