I have created a validation drop down list, when I go to pick items from the
list, why does it not show the 1st name on the lsit, sometines the list sohws
only the last 2 names. I have some blank cells in my range, as I want to be
able to add names to the lsit in the futrer, is this what is casuing the
problesm?I'd guess that you're using a dynamic range name and you don't have that set up
See Debra Dalgeish's site for some nice tips:
If you still have trouble, post back with more details.
JackR wrote:
gt; I have created a validation drop down list, when I go to pick items from the
gt; list, why does it not show the 1st name on the lsit, sometines the list sohws
gt; only the last 2 names. I have some blank cells in my range, as I want to be
gt; able to add names to the lsit in the futrer, is this what is casuing the
gt; problesm?
Dave Peterson
- Sep 29 Fri 2006 20:09
Drop Down List