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When I first started using the document the formulas would update
automatically but that has stopped. Now I have to click on the cell, click

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Hi all

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Hi there,
could you let me know how to hide chosen raws and impose a certain password

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Excel 2002 workbook - approx. 84K in size. Last saved 4/13/06. Click on
file name to open today, 4/18/06. What I get is the Excel screen with some

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When pulling data from a data range in VLookup formula is it possible for the
formatting of that data to transfer as well? ie. the color and font size.

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i multiply two columns the result is in decimal. when i decrease decimal the
value become non decimal (means last digit is up one number). now i want to

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It's a very basic formula: it simply returns data from another worksheet

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I have created the following formula:

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does anyone have a template for a flow chart for excel 2003? I'm looking for
a flow chart template that ahs one box at the top then the next section has 3

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Is there a way to get the Autofilter Sort function to ignore columns

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oops, try 1.03

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Is it possible when looping through the Sheets in a Workbook to check the
Protection Status of each sheet?

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Hello -
I have an Excel file with several worksheets, all of which contain tables of

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My sheets are named 1,2,3....100
at any time i may be located at any sheet.

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Does anyone know what function Excel uses to create smooth lines connecting
the points in a scatter plot? Is it a cubic spline?

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I am trying to use the formula =Sumif(B7:B203,quot;Paul
Gquot;,(COUNTIF(C7:C203,quot;*quot;))) to count the number of cells in the quot;Cquot; column

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My spreadsheets open with numbers both along the rows and at the top of
the columns. I was copying and pasting a pivot table when this

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hey guys,

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I have a spreadsheet that has 29 numbers with up to 2 decimal place precision
(44.29, 36.89, etc). I am taking the 1st number and subtracting the other 28

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